Right click on a brick/process and select "show doc".
So we can see the docstring as documentation.
In the stdout we observe:
Qt WebEngine seems to be initialized from a plugin. Please set Qt::AA_ShareOpenGLContexts using QCoreApplication::setAttribute before building QGuiApplication.
warning libpng : iCCP : known incorrect sRGB profile
warning libpng : iCCP : known incorrect sRGB profile
Then this feature is not available anymore.
Mia does not crash but it is a kind of bug.
It's independent from the WebEngine warning, it's that the close event of the browser is not catched. It needs inheriting the QWebEngineView class and overloading its closeEvent() method. I'm doing that.
Right click on a brick/process and select "show doc". So we can see the docstring as documentation. In the stdout we observe:
Then this feature is not available anymore. Mia does not crash but it is a kind of bug.