populse / capsul

Collaborative Analysis Platform : Simple, Unifying, Lean
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ImportError: No module named 'QtWebKit' #225

Closed servoz closed 2 years ago

servoz commented 2 years ago

While trying to see the doc of a brick (right click in the gnode and Show doc) Mia crash:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 908, in _find_spec
AttributeError: 'QtImporter' object has no attribute 'find_spec'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/data/Git_Projects/capsul/capsul/qt_gui/widgets/pipeline_developer_view.py", line 4468, in get_doc_browser
    from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import QtWebEngine
  File "/data/Git_Projects/soma-base/python/soma/qt_gui/qt_backend.py", line 78, in find_module
    found = imp.find_module(module_name, qt_module.__path__)
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/imp.py", line 296, in find_module
    raise ImportError(_ERR_MSG.format(name), name=name)
ImportError: No module named 'QtWebEngine'

There have been changes that could impact on soma-base ?

denisri commented 2 years ago

Not that I know. Are you using a casa-distro install or a "native" system ? I guess one of the PyQt modules (QtWebEngine) is not installed on your system. It is used to display docs, indeed. What is a bit strange is that the ImportError is normally catched, and then the older QtWebKit module is attempted instead, and here it doesn't seem to be actually catched.

servoz commented 2 years ago

Oh I see! Indeed there is no problem in the container and I actually observed the problem while working on the host! I will take a look at why the ImportError exception is not caught

servoz commented 2 years ago

I think I start to understand. The code in pipeline_developer_view, L4474:

            # use the newer Qt5 QtWebEngine
            from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import QtWebEngine
            from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend.QtWebEngineWidgets \
                import QWebEngineView, QWebEnginePage
            use_webengine = True
        except ImportError:
            from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import QtWebKit
            QWebEngineView = QtWebKit.QWebView
            QWebPage = QtWebKit.QWebPage
            QWebEnginePage = QWebPage
            use_webengine = False

1/ Let's say the user forgot to install PyQtWebEngine but has an up-to-date version of PyQt5 (this was my case with my laptop when I opened this ticket). The config is something like:

% pip3 show PyQt5 PyQt5-Qt5 PyQt5-sip PyQtWebEngine PyQtWebEngine-QT5
WARNING: Package(s) not found: PyQtWebEngine, PyQtWebEngine-QT5
Name: PyQt5
Version: 5.15.6
Summary: Python bindings for the Qt cross platform application toolkit
Home-page: https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/
Author: Riverbank Computing Limited
Author-email: info@riverbankcomputing.com
License: GPL v3
Location: /home/econdami/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages
Requires: PyQt5-Qt5, PyQt5-sip
Name: PyQt5-Qt5
Version: 5.15.2
Summary: The subset of a Qt installation needed by PyQt5.
Home-page: https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/
Author: Riverbank Computing Limited
Author-email: info@riverbankcomputing.com
License: LGPL v3
Location: /home/econdami/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages
Required-by: PyQt5
Name: PyQt5-sip
Version: 12.10.1
Summary: The sip module support for PyQt5
Home-page: https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/sip/
Author: Riverbank Computing Limited
Author-email: info@riverbankcomputing.com
License: SIP
Location: /home/econdami/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages
Required-by: PyQt5

In this case, the from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import QtWebEngine raises an ImportError exception which is caught by the next except ImportError, but because QtWebKit was deprecated upstream in Qt 5.5 and removed in 5. 6, since we have PyQt5 5.15.6 installed, the first line after the except statement: from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import QtWebKit raises a new ImportError exception again which is not protected by an except. I think it would be good to think about the user who forgot to install PyQtWebEngine ... (like me :-))) Can we consider changing the previous piece of code to?:

            # use the newer Qt5 QtWebEngine
            from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import QtWebEngine
            from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend.QtWebEngineWidgets \
                import QWebEngineView, QWebEnginePage
            use_webengine = True
        except ImportError as e1:
                from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import QtWebKit
                QWebEngineView = QtWebKit.QWebView
                QWebPage = QtWebKit.QWebPage
                QWebEnginePage = QWebPage
                use_webengine = False
            except ImportError as e2:
                print('\n{0}\n{1}\nThe process documentation cannot be '
                      'displayed. If PyQt5>5.5 is installed, please try to '
                      'install PyQtWebEngine ...'.format(e1, e2))
                return None

2/ Okay, I've cleaned up the configuration:

% pip3 show PyQt5 PyQt5-Qt5 PyQt5-sip PyQtWebEngine PyQtWebEngine-QT5
Name: PyQt5
Version: 5.15.6
Summary: Python bindings for the Qt cross platform application toolkit
Home-page: https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/
Author: Riverbank Computing Limited
Author-email: info@riverbankcomputing.com
License: GPL v3
Location: /home/econdami/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages
Requires: PyQt5-Qt5, PyQt5-sip
Required-by: PyQtWebEngine
Name: PyQt5-Qt5
Version: 5.15.2
Summary: The subset of a Qt installation needed by PyQt5.
Home-page: https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/
Author: Riverbank Computing Limited
Author-email: info@riverbankcomputing.com
License: LGPL v3
Location: /home/econdami/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages
Required-by: PyQt5
Name: PyQt5-sip
Version: 12.10.1
Summary: The sip module support for PyQt5
Home-page: https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/sip/
Author: Riverbank Computing Limited
Author-email: info@riverbankcomputing.com
License: SIP
Location: /home/econdami/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages
Required-by: PyQt5, PyQtWebEngine
Name: PyQtWebEngine
Version: 5.15.5
Summary: Python bindings for the Qt WebEngine framework
Home-page: https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqtwebengine/
Author: Riverbank Computing Limited
Author-email: info@riverbankcomputing.com
License: GPL v3
Location: /home/econdami/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages
Requires: PyQt5, PyQt5-sip, PyQtWebEngine-Qt5
Name: PyQtWebEngine-Qt5
Version: 5.15.2
Summary: The subset of a Qt installation needed by PyQtWebEngine.
Home-page: https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/
Author: Riverbank Computing Limited
Author-email: info@riverbankcomputing.com
License: LGPL v3
Location: /home/econdami/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages
Required-by: PyQtWebEngine

Using the proposed code I observe now (mia no longer crashes, cool!):

QtWebEngineWidgets must be imported before a QCoreApplication instance is created
No module named 'QtWebKit'
The process documentation cannot be displayed. If PyQt5>5.5 is installed, please try to install PyQtWebEngine ...

So: 2.1/ Minor note: The proposed message is not good enought in this case (The process documentation cannot be displayed. If PyQt5>5.5 is installed, please try to install PyQtWebEngine), because here we are at PyQt5>5.5 and PyQtWebEngine is already installed. 2.2/ Major note: I do not understand why it is working in casa-distro install and not on host ("native" system).

Have you an idea @denisri, above all for the point 2.2 (QtWebEngineWidgets must be imported before a QCoreApplication instance is created)?

denisri commented 2 years ago

Yes it's probably something like that, but my surprise was that the exception was raised from line 4468 of pipeline_developer_view.py, which is (for me) the import of QtWebEngine, not the import of QtWebKit. Never mind, I agree with your solution 2.1. to warn the user. For 2.2 I don't have a good solution: this is a very unpleasant constraint imposed by Qt itself that QtWebEngineWidgets must be imported before a QCoreApplication instance is created. Actually in casa-distro it doesn't work either, or more precisely it seems to work because QtWebKit is actually installed in it, and thus the fallback works, but it's not using QtWebEngine, in fact. We could consider importing (or trying to import) QtWebEngineWidgets in an init function before the Qt application is instantiated, it would work in Mia, but it totally forbids to use it from an ipython shell run using ipython--gui=qt, because the Qt app is instantiated by ipython then. This is very very annoying.

servoz commented 2 years ago

Yes you are right @denisri, I just tested. In casa distro, even if PyQt5>5.5 is installed:

$ pip3 show PyQt5 PyQt5-Qt5 PyQt5-sip PyQtWebEngine PyQtWebEngine-QT5
WARNING: Package(s) not found: PyQt5-Qt5, PyQtWebEngine-QT5
Name: PyQt5
Version: 5.12.1
Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages
Name: PyQt5_sip
Version: 4.19.15
Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages
Name: PyQtWebEngine
Version: 5.12.1
Location: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages

there is still the QtWebEngineWidgets must be imported before a QCoreApplication instance is created ImportError exception which is raised at first try because of the from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend.QtWebEngineWidgets import QWebEngineView, QWebEnginePage and as QtWebKit can also be imported:

 $ python3
Python 3.6.9 (default, Jan 26 2021, 15:33:00) 
[GCC 8.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from PyQt5.Qt import PYQT_VERSION_STR
>>> from PyQt5.QtCore import QT_VERSION_STR
>>> from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import QtWebKit
>>> QtWebKit.__package__
>>> QtWebKit.__file__

it works (which it shouldn't)!

So in casa distro, we currently use QtWebKit in all cases!

Ok, so the issue is understood and we can live with it. In casa distro it will always work since QtWebKit is available. There is still the case of working directly in the host ("native" system). I will try to make a patch as you suggest in Mia because for the moment if PyQt5 >5.5 is installed the user can't access the doc:

We could consider importing (or trying to import) QtWebEngineWidgets in an init function before the Qt application is instantiated.

I will also make a small PR in capsul so that mia does not crash.

servoz commented 2 years ago

So I tested a quick and dirty thing (just to see): Just before the Qt application instanciation in Mia, L555 of main module in populse_mia, I changed:

# useful for WebEngine

    app = QApplication(sys.argv)


    # useful for WebEngine
    global QWebEngineView
    global QWebEnginePage
    from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend.QtWebEngineWidgets import QWebEngineView as QWebEngineView
    from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend.QtWebEngineWidgets import QWebEnginePage as QWebEnginePage

    app = QApplication(sys.argv)

This is not elegant at all but this is just a try! and in pipeline_developer_view module of capsul I commented the QWebEngineView and QWebEnginePage import , L4469.

The result is: No error/exception, message and no doc display ....!

denisri commented 2 years ago

Why use globals ? I think just importing the module is enough. Moreover I would keep it in a try block for the case we are still using QtWebKit, or in the worst case docs will not be displayed but the application will run:

    from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import QtWebEngineWidgets
except ImportError:
    pass  # never mind, hope QtWebKit will work instead


app = QApplication(sys.argv)

and I would not change pipeline_developer_view.py because in some situations we are still using QtWebKit, especially when using/testing things in an ipython shell

servoz commented 2 years ago

Ah I'm doing several things at the same time and finally I'm not precise enough! Yes of course I tried first to just import QtWebEngineWidgets as you suggest (but I didn't put a try which is a good idea).

In this case, it's the same result. There is no exception but there is no display of the doc either (I then looked with the global just to make a test but I shouldn't have mentioned it, anyway the result is the same).

What is strange is that if we click again on the node we don't see the Show doc after a right click, which is the case when the doc window is open!!! This is what I meant in my previous post. This makes me think that things are not working correctly with the QtWebEngineWidgets case. Maybe things were coded for QtWebKit and the possibility with QtWebEngineWidgets was added afterwards without really testing it (which seems to be the case in the casa distro)?. I can have a look in the codes related to this in capsul but I think you will be more efficient than me for this?

I'll push the change for mia (import QtWebEngineWidgets before QApplication instanciation), if you want you can just give it a try. I'm interested in your opinion on this doc window thing that is not visible...

denisri commented 2 years ago

It's completely possible that the QtWebEngine code is broken since it hasn't been used for a long time. I'll check when I have a moment.

servoz commented 2 years ago

Last observation, In this case (after clicking on Show doc) if we close mia we don't get the prompt back, something is still running...

denisri commented 2 years ago

I have tried outside of Mia, with and without QtWebEngine, using a script like this one:

from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import QtWebEngineWidgets
from soma.qt_gui.qt_backend import Qt
from capsul.api import capsul_engine
from capsul.qt_gui.widgets import pipeline_developer_view

ce = capsul_engine()
#m = ce.get_process_instance('morphologist.capsul.morphologist')
m = ce.get_process_instance('capsul.pipeline.test.fake_morphologist.morphologist')

qapp = Qt.QApplication([])

pv = pipeline_developer_view.PipelineDeveloperView(m, allow_open_controller=True, enable_edition=True, show_sub_pipelines=True)


It does display the docs, and if I set a print() in pipeline_developer_view.py, for instance at the end of the function get_doc_browser(), line 4484:

        print('use_webengine:', use_webengine)

it actually prints use_webengine: True. If I comment out the 1st lie of the script above, then I see:

Qt WebEngine seems to be initialized from a plugin. Please set Qt::AA_ShareOpenGLContexts using QCoreApplication::setAttribute before constructing QGuiApplication.

QtWebEngineWidgets must be imported before a QCoreApplication instance is created
use_webengine: False

and docs still display correctly (using QtWebKit this time). So it works in both cases for me.

servoz commented 2 years ago

So it's related to Mia. But I have no idea where it comes from...

denisri commented 2 years ago

Well for me (in casa-distro) it also works in Mia. Some processes / pipelines don't have docs, thus display blank pages, but others actually display docs, with use_webengine activated.

servoz commented 2 years ago

Can you try in Mia with the Smooth process from mia_processes, please ?

denisri commented 2 years ago

It works, for me...

servoz commented 2 years ago

Arghhhh It sounds again like a little dust in the wheels ... this little dust that rots my life before finding where it is ...

servoz commented 2 years ago

Oh wait a minute!!! it seems to work in casa distro ... the last modifications certainly had a beneficial effect :-)))

Well, almost ... I observe a black window and a stream of abuse on the stdout (see below) ...:

Screenshot from 2022-05-03 20-55-34

I had not indicated it but this is what I observe (the black window and the messages like QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(matrix): shader program is not linked QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(opacity): shader program is not linked QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program QOpenGLShader: could not create shader QOpenGLShader: could not create shader shader compilation failed: ) when I had tried your script outside mia ... Ok so it's certainly a config problem ??? Can it be related to the version of casa distro used? There is some resources sharing with the host, I think, with the containerisation. Can it be from my host?

QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
Could not link shader program:
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(opacity): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(opacity): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(opacity): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(opacity): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(opacity): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(opacity): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(opacity): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(matrix): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(opacity): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
shader compilation failed: 
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked
denisri commented 2 years ago

This rather looks like an OpenGL problem. Does OpenGL work in your container / system ? (try glxgears and/or glxinfo for instance, both in the container and on the host, and I guess anatomist doesn't work either in the container). Host system libs may be shared with the container for 3D hardware support, yes. If it doesn't work, rebooting the host is sometimes a solution.

servoz commented 2 years ago

glxgears and glxinfo are working fine in the container and system. Anatomist is working fine too. I must confess that I don't know much about this part of things...

Ok it seems that the remaining issue has nothing to do with the reason of the initial opening of this ticket and especially that it is not a problem in capsul and populse (thank for the tests you done in your side, @denisri ). So I'll close this ticket in capsul and will open one in mia.

I admit I don't have a good idea of what to do. We can come back to it when we have a little time!