populse / mia_processes

The default processes repository for mia
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[bricks in progress] Add Factorial design for fmri (spm) #44

Closed manuegrx closed 1 year ago

manuegrx commented 1 year ago

Add second level of analysis for fMRI

In Nipype one base brick (FactorialDesign (it seems that it can't be used on its own) and 4 bricks for the various second-level analysis tests:

In SPM, there are also 4 others tests not in Nipype : One-way ANOVA, one-way ANOVA within subject, full factorial and flexible factorial.

I will first add the 4 bricks available in Nipype

manuegrx commented 1 year ago

done for the 4 bricks in Nipype https://github.com/populse/mia_processes/pull/45

For the others tests not in Nipype I propose to wait and see if it is something useful for some users