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Make the brick to create the individual physiological regressor #68

Closed servoz closed 4 months ago

servoz commented 4 months ago

The current CVR pipeline uses an average regressor. We know that this regressor gives good results when the experiment runs smoothly.

However, it is desirable to use a regressor that corresponds exactly to the physiological data of the experiment.

The pipeline will therefore have to be coded in such a way as to use the files needed to create the individual regressor if the user provides them, and to use the average regressor if the user does not provide them.

servoz commented 4 months ago


The Make_CVR_reg_physio brick generates a standard (average) regressor if the physiological parameter files and trigger files are not supplied or are corrupt. Otherwise, an individual regressor is generated.

The brick accepts physiological parameter files in .csv (Magdata) or .log (CoolTerm) format and trigger files in .txt, .log or .csv format.

I currently only have physio.csv and trigger.log data on hand. So I was only able to test the brick with this type of file.

We'll have to test with the other file types to see if everything works fine in this case.

A new ticket can be opened at that time if necessary.