populse / populse_mia

Multiparametric Image Analysis
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[initialisation] The result of the initialisation is no longer correctly handled in all cases, in V2 #193

Closed servoz closed 2 years ago

servoz commented 3 years ago

Initialisation failed but indicated as successful and the run is no longer grey, which will cause problems if the pipeline is launched.


The run button becomes available, the message in the status bar is: Pipeline "NoName" has been initialized. However the initialisation has failed and the message of the standard output is:

 - Pipeline initialising ...
Completion ...
. normalize121 (mia_processes.bricks.preprocess.spm.spatial_preprocessing.Normalize12) node ...
During the <mia_processes.bricks.preprocess.spm.spatial_preprocessing.Normalize12 object at 0x7fcf15024bf8> process initialisation, some possible problems were detected:
- inheritance_dict attribute was not found ...
- outputs attribute was not found ...
Completion done.

A big effort was made in V1 on this point, which is very important in order to avoid a crash when launching the pipeline.This work needs to be done again (at least in part) to handle (as much as possible) all cases. Also, a pop-up proposing to change the mia configuration was displayed only when the requirements defined in the brick were not fulfilled in mia. It seems that this pop-up is shown in almost all cases of problems, when they are detected. It would be necessary to make the display of this pop-up more selective

servoz commented 2 years ago

To see: populse_mia.user_interface.pipeline_manager.process_mia.MIAProcessCompletionEngine.complete_parameters_mia()