populse / populse_mia

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[general need] FSL is no longer working in mia #265

Closed servoz closed 2 years ago

servoz commented 2 years ago

It is not known since how long. First investigation indicate that with all populse on master:

Same result using nipype 1.7.0 (not tested before)

Quick and dirty solution while waiting for a fix:
Add in .bashrc:

FSLDIR= . ${FSLDIR}/etc/fslconf/fsl.sh PATH=${FSLDIR}/bin:${PATH} export FSLDIR PATH

LStruber commented 2 years ago

In software_properties.py, if I change line 392: m['directory'] = os.path.dirname(fsl_config) by: m['directory'] = os.path.dirname('/home/lucas/apps/fsl/bin')

It works. Of course it should be done cleanly (by removing 'fslconf' at the end of fsl_config directory and adding 'bin'). But as you are the one that works a lot on synchronization between Capsul config and MIA preferences, you may potential implication/alter effects that I don't see. Any ideas ?

LStruber commented 2 years ago

by removing 'fslconf' at the end of fsl_config directory and adding 'bin'

Adding bin is not necessary. The following lines are working:

m['directory'] = os.path.split(

I'm waiting for your opinion before pushing

servoz commented 2 years ago

Oh great !! You found the issue exactly !!!

It looks like a (big) typo :-).

I would prefer to replace l392 m['directory'] = os.path.dirname(fsl_config) with

m['directory'] = os.path.dirname(

but indeed

m['directory'] = os.path.split(

do also the job !

I will leave to you the pleasure to push the change and close this ticket. Cool!

LStruber commented 2 years ago

closed with 73f121707d25b3f2ee3d28cb57981313cd6ea6cd