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Manager...exe crapat #134

Open Horhellito opened 3 years ago

Horhellito commented 3 years ago

L-am gasit crapat dupa ce a mers cateva zile.

Event viewer se plange de ceva cu reteaua, dar nu au fost probleme cu reteaua Event Viewer 1: Windows cannot access the file for one of the following reasons: there is a problem with the network connection, the disk that the file is stored on, or the storage drivers installed on this computer; or the disk is missing. Windows closed the program Manager_x64.exe because of this error.

Program: Manager_x64.exe File:

The error value is listed in the Additional Data section. User Action

  1. Open the file again. This situation might be a temporary problem that corrects itself when the program runs again.
  2. If the file still cannot be accessed and
    • It is on the network, your network administrator should verify that there is not a problem with the network and that the server can be contacted.
    • It is on a removable disk, for example, a floppy disk or CD-ROM, verify that the disk is fully inserted into the computer.
  3. Check and repair the file system by running CHKDSK. To run CHKDSK, click Start, click Run, type CMD, and then click OK. At the command prompt, type CHKDSK /F, and then press ENTER.
  4. If the problem persists, restore the file from a backup copy.
  5. Determine whether other files on the same disk can be opened. If not, the disk might be damaged. If it is a hard disk, contact your administrator or computer hardware vendor for further assistance.

Additional Data Error value: C000020C Disk type: 0

Event Viewer 2:

Faulting application name: Manager_x64.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5fc0d98d Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 10.0.19041.610, time stamp: 0xe5d7ed5c Exception code: 0xc0000006 Fault offset: 0x00000000000221d4 Faulting process id: 0x176c Faulting application start time: 0x01d6c4ba72dc2491 Faulting application path: \metrocertbak\public\METROCERT (server)\04. Proiecte_Interne\Proiect_Sistem_Monitorizare_C@A\v.1.0.21 - 27-Nov-2020\Manager_x64.exe Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll Report Id: 5f68d32e-8755-44d0-ae27-60da56a920f5 Faulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID:


jeanlemotan commented 3 years ago

Acum am vazut issue-ul asta. Din log, problema e ca windows nu poate accesa drive-ul shared din care pornesti tu exe-ul din cand in cand si il omoara. Copiaza programul local si ruleaza-l de pe HDD (sau SSD) local, asta ar trebui sa rezolve problema.

Horhellito commented 3 years ago

Problema este ca la mine in retea nu s-a intamplat nimic nou, nu am avut caderi de curent sau ceva insa de la versiunea .21 se deconecteaza foarte des for some reason, in aceleasi circumstante ca inainte. Practic gasesc mesaje de eroare pe ecran ca s-a deconectat de la basestation foarte des. La prima vedere asa este, ar fi ca nu vede drive-ul in retea, dar motivul NU este ca sunt probleme cu reteaua. Calculatorul pe care ruleaza e acelasi, in birou, unde lucram non stop si am stii cand si daca resursele de retea nu ar merge. Adica daca am avut pana de curent, atunci mi-e clar ca se va deconecta de la BS dar in cazul nostru de acum nu se intampla, desi se deconecteaza ca si cand s-ar intampla...

jeanlemotan commented 3 years ago

Ar putea fi alte chestii - update de windows etc. Nu trebuie sa fie neaparat reteaua hardware sau power outage. Ruleaza-l local sa vedem macar daca e de la asta sau altceva. Ai putea sa rulezi si versiunea anterioara de test.