pornganizer / PGV4

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Details will not be saved when adding a Star #74

Open Caliban2017 opened 7 years ago

Caliban2017 commented 7 years ago

When i add a new Star and fill out the Form in that first Window, all Details will not be saved after i press the Save-Button. Only the Name of the Star will be saved and i must enter all Details again after i added a new Star.

smoothnsensual commented 7 years ago

I'm having the same issue. I also lose previously saved data in the Stars table, except some basic stuff like Name, ID, DateAdded. Everything else, such as Nationality, DOB, hair color, etc., is reset to Null every time the database is closed. I've tried editing and saving the SQL database without PG open. But opening and closing the PG app wipes the data I've entered. Another quirky thing is that when new Stars are added in PG, they are not assigned an ID number in the SQL database. I have to manually enter ID #s to have them show up in PG.