pornganizer / PGV5

Pornganizer V5
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Version 0.2 - Auto-tagging only based on filename #77

Open WeedLordVegeta420 opened 2 years ago

WeedLordVegeta420 commented 2 years ago

When importing a file or creating a new tag in v 0.2, items seem to only be getting auto-tagged based on the filename and not the full file path.

I did start from a clean new database if that matters.

pornganizer commented 2 years ago

can you provide the exact scenario you are having issues with? tags definitely are being matched from the file path

WeedLordVegeta420 commented 2 years ago

Same behavior with Websites. Scenes aren't getting automatically tagged based on a directory name, only if the filename includes the website name.

This seems to be pretty consistent for me, just tried it again with 0.2.40. What I haven't tried yet is adding the scene after creating the tag to see if that has different behavior.

pornganizer commented 2 years ago

are you still having this issue?