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Implement sorting/swiping for IonList #9

Open pors opened 8 years ago

pors commented 8 years ago

See https://github.com/meteoric/meteor-ionic/tree/master/components/ionList and http://ionicframework.com/docs/api/directive/ionList/

jorjordandan commented 8 years ago

Hey! I was thinking that this would be a great project (a react version of ionic), if I can find time I'll try to chip in on this. (I did the sort/swipe and spinners on meteoric, and a couple little other things) I had sortable/deletable working on my branch here:


pors commented 8 years ago

Hey Jordan, that would be great! You seem like the most qualified person for it 😀

skirunman commented 8 years ago

I think this branch of Meteoric has all the advanced Ionic list features done. https://github.com/meteoric124/meteoric

He made this PR on original Meteoric branch https://github.com/meteoric/meteor-ionic/pull/368

pors commented 8 years ago

@skirunman looking good. Similar to what @jorjordandan did it seems, both rely on https://github.com/pornel/slip.

I'm working on the ActionSheet right now, if any of you wants to pick this up, that would be great.

skirunman commented 8 years ago

Probably above my pay grade to implement this. Good works so far!

pors commented 8 years ago

@jorjordandan do you think you will have some time in the near future? Most functionality starts to be implemented, it would be great if this will be addressed as well!

EmirGluhbegovic commented 8 years ago

@jorjordandan Im trying to implement swing.js in meteor but am facing difficulties. Could describe how you setup swing with meteor? Would be greatly appreciated. thanks

jorjordandan commented 8 years ago

@pors Sorry I haven't had time to work on this, I've been buried :( @EmirGluhbegovic I didn't use swing.js for this particular thing but I did try unsuccessfully to set swing.js up with another Meteor project a couple years ago. Hope you have better luck than I did!

EmirGluhbegovic commented 8 years ago

@jorjordandan Have you implemented any sort of tinder like interface with meteor?

pors commented 8 years ago

No worries @jorjordandan

@EmirGluhbegovic have a look at https://medium.com/@SamCorcos/meteor-react-ionic-mobile-app-part-6-tinder-transitions-72814b5b419a#.7chsbshfm

EmirGluhbegovic commented 8 years ago

@jorjordandan Thanks for the recommendation. I have tried that and it works well for a mobile only approach. Issue comes as I am trying to implement this in a webApp.