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Replacing null from select result to default value #802

Open elhananjair opened 5 months ago

elhananjair commented 5 months ago

Hello there, I am trying to run multiple queries using sql.begin function, and some of the queries are undefined results, I want to replace those undefined with 0.

I tried this but had no success

   select COALESCE(status, 0) as count from mytable;

as a result when I try to loop into the results and access result[0].count I am getting Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'count')

Am I missing something?

porsager commented 5 months ago

Is your table perhaps simply empty?

porsager commented 5 months ago

If you're not returning anything from sql.begin, that also explains it. Please post more complete code.

elhananjair commented 5 months ago

This is what my code looks like

let countDataOverview = 0;
let dash_data_name = ['c_amount', 's_sms', 'new_sub', 'new_unsub', 'm_total_sub', 'm_total_unsub', 'm_total_charge', 'smsc_stat', 'total_sub', 'total_unsub'];
let dash_data = {
    c_amount: 0,
    s_sms: 0,
    new_sub: 0,
    new_unsub: 0,
    m_total_sub: 0,
    m_total_unsub: 0,
    m_total_charge: 0,
    smsc_stat: 0,
    total_sub: 0,
    total_unsub: 0,

async function queryOverview(){
    return await sql.begin(sql => [
        todo -  Fetch different data for overview
        sql`select count(distinct phone)::int from sms.delivery where date = cast(now() as date)`,
        sql`select count(distinct phone)::int from sms.sentsms where date = cast(now() as date)`,
        sql`select count(distinct phone)::int from subscription.sub where subdate = cast(now() as date)`,
        sql`select count(distinct phone)::int from subscription.unsub where unsubdate = cast(now() as date)`,
        sql`select count(phone)::int from subscription.sub where subdate between (SELECT date_trunc('month', now())::date) and (SELECT (date_trunc('month', now()) + interval '1 month - 1 day')::date)`,
        sql`select count(phone)::int from subscription.unsub where unsubdate between (SELECT date_trunc('month', now())::date) and (SELECT (date_trunc('month', now()) + interval '1 month - 1 day')::date)`,
        sql`select sum(charge)::int as count from sms.dailycharge where date between (SELECT date_trunc('month', now())::date) and (SELECT (date_trunc('month', now()) + interval '1 month - 1 day')::date)`,
        sql`select COALESCE(smsc_stat, 0) as count from smsc`,
        sql`select count(phone)::int from subscription.sub`,
        sql`select count(phone)::int from subscription.unsub`,

async function overAll(){
    try {
        overviewQ = await queryOverview();
        weeklyQ = await queryWeeklyCharge();
        overviewQ.map(result => {
            dash_data[dash_data_name[countDataOverview]] = result[0].count;
        weeklyQ.map(result => {
            weekly_charge[weekly_name[countDataOWeekly]] = result[0];
    }catch (e) {
        console.log("There is an error reading from database, " + e.message)
export const load = async ({locals}) => {
    if(!locals.user) {
        throw redirect(302, '/')
    await overAll()
    return {

The table called smsc doesn't have a data just for testing purpose

porsager commented 5 months ago

Oh, but if it doesn't have data, isn't that your answer? Then the query returns no rows and result[0] will be undefined?

porsager commented 5 months ago

Besides from that, I think you could benefit from restructuring your code here to just be a single query using CTEs or subqueries, that way you could also ensure you'd always get 0 in case of no rows.

All that data mangling you're doing in js would be way more efficient + prettier in SQL

elhananjair commented 5 months ago

Oh, but if it doesn't have data, isn't that your answer? Then the query returns no rows and result[0] will be undefined?

In a real case, the application will set the column with 0, but I want to know more if it's possible to replace null or undefined with 0

elhananjair commented 5 months ago

Besides from that, I think you could benefit from restructuring your code here to just be a single query using CTEs or subqueries, that way you could also ensure you'd always get 0 in case of no rows.

All that data mangling you're doing in js would be way more efficient + prettier in SQL

CTE's, I have no clue about that, I will check it now. I am fetching data from multiple tables to show on my application's dashboard, just in case the query doesn't return anything I wanted to send 0 to the component using that value. That's why I used sql.begin, Can you give a hint please, using CTEs to check if the column has no rows and then make it 0 on the return, or if there is a way to replace results from sql.begin with 0 if undefined?

elhananjair commented 5 months ago

UPDATE: I found this query from https://copyprogramming.com/howto/how-can-i-return-0-from-query-in-pgsql-if-the-row-doesn-t-exist

I replaced

 sql`select COALESCE(smsc_stat, 0) as count from smsc`


sql`select coalesce((select smsc_stat from smsc), 0) as count`

and it returned 0 as I expected