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could not determine data type of parameter $1 #814

Closed 1zzang-sm closed 2 months ago

1zzang-sm commented 7 months ago

PostGIS is properly installed in my database. When performing as in A, the query succeeds normally, but when performing as in B, an error of "could not determine data type of parameter $1" occurs.

adamgreg commented 7 months ago

I think I might be hitting the same problem when using prepared statements:

await sql`PREPARE prep(integer) AS SELECT $1`;

// This works
await sql`EXECUTE prep(0)`;

// This fails with PostgresError: could not determine data type of parameter $1
await sql`EXECUTE prep(${0})`;

// This also fails the same way
await sql`EXECUTE prep(${0}::integer)`;
brianlaw033 commented 5 months ago

Have you fixed it? I am having the same error with postgis

1zzang-sm commented 5 months ago

SELECT * ST_DistanceSphere( ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(${lng}, ${lat}), 4326), coords ) as distance FROM "MyTable" WHERE ST_DistanceSphere( ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(${lng}, ${lat}), 4326), coords ) < ${radius} I solved it this way Would you like to give it a try?

brianlaw033 commented 5 months ago

Turns out I have to use sql.unsafe Here is my code ``sqlalter table draft.${sql(draftName)} alter column geom type geometry(${sql.unsafe( geometryType, )}, 4326) using ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(geom, ${sql.unsafe(srid)}),4326);`

humphd commented 2 months ago

I hit this today as well, and in my case, had to also convert to a string:

const maxWords = 3000;
sql`SELECT ... ts_headline(..., MaxWords=${sql.unsafe(maxWords.toString())}, ...`

Not fun or obvious.

porsager commented 2 months ago

@humphd and also a very wrong way to do it 🤨

This works just fine

const maxWords = 3000;
sql`SELECT ... ts_headline(..., ${ 'MaxWords=' + maxWords })`
humphd commented 2 months ago

@humphd and probably not the best way to do it either 🤨

Try and post a repro and your actual query

    const searchTerms = 'a:* | b:*';
    const maxWords = 3000;
    const sql = createSql();

    const results = await sql`
       WITH query_terms AS (
            SELECT to_tsquery(${searchTerms}) AS query
        texts AS (
            SELECT f.id AS file_id,
                COALESCE(f.text, '') AS text
            FROM file_v2 f
        search_results AS (
            SELECT ft.file_id,
                    'english', ft.text,
                    (SELECT query FROM query_terms),
                    'MaxWords=${maxWords}, MinWords=10'
                ) AS context
            FROM texts ft
            WHERE to_tsvector('english', ft.text) @@ (SELECT query FROM query_terms)
        SELECT file_id, context
        FROM search_results;


            triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);

PostgresError: could not determine data type of parameter $2
    at ErrorResponse (file:///workspaces/DeepStructure/node_modules/.pnpm/postgres@3.4.4/node_modules/postgres/src/connection.js:788:26)
    at handle (file:///workspaces/DeepStructure/node_modules/.pnpm/postgres@3.4.4/node_modules/postgres/src/connection.js:474:6)
    at Socket.data (file:///workspaces/DeepStructure/node_modules/.pnpm/postgres@3.4.4/node_modules/postgres/src/connection.js:315:9)
    at Socket.emit (node:events:514:28)
    at Socket.emit (node:domain:488:12)
    at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:376:12)
    at readableAddChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:349:9)
    at Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:286:10)
    at TCP.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:190:23)
    at cachedError (file:///workspaces/DeepStructure/node_modules/.pnpm/postgres@3.4.4/node_modules/postgres/src/query.js:170:23)
    at new Query (file:///workspaces/DeepStructure/node_modules/.pnpm/postgres@3.4.4/node_modules/postgres/src/query.js:36:24)
    at sql (file:///workspaces/DeepStructure/node_modules/.pnpm/postgres@3.4.4/node_modules/postgres/src/index.js:112:11)
    at main (/workspaces/DeepStructure/sdk/npm/src/components/assistants/workflows/context-strategies/test.tsx:8:27) {
  severity_local: 'ERROR',
  severity: 'ERROR',
  code: '42P18',
  file: 'postgres.c',
  line: '707',
  routine: 'pg_analyze_and_rewrite_varparams'
porsager commented 2 months ago

Did a quick test and edited my comment above the same time you posted..

porsager commented 2 months ago

If you read the docs you'll see that parameters have to be valid PostgreSQL protocol level parameters. It is eg. the same reason you have to do

select * from x where x like ${ '%' + something }

and not

select * from x where x like '%' ${ something }

There's nothing in this library that magically handles unknown assumptions about text concatenation.

Now you could do

select * from x where x like '%' || ${ something }

But then you've also writing valid sql.

humphd commented 2 months ago

OK, this wasn't obvious to me (I read the docs). Thanks for clarifying my case.

porsager commented 2 months ago

You're welcome ☺️ Hope it's obvious in hindsight 😉

It's the same issue in the original post.. @1zzang-sm

Either do like this

const point = `POINT(${longitude} ${latitude}`

  SELECT ST_DistanceSphere(
  ST_GeomFromText(${ point }, 4326), "geometryType") as distance FROM "MyTable"
  WHERE ST_DistanceSphere(
  ST_GeomFromText(${ point }, 4326), "geometryType") < 500;

or like this

  SELECT ST_DistanceSphere(
  ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(${ long }, ${ lat }), 4326), "geometryType") as distance FROM "MyTable"
  WHERE ST_DistanceSphere(
  ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(${ long }, ${ lat }), 4326), "geometryType") < 500;
porsager commented 2 months ago

I think I might be hitting the same problem when using prepared statements:

await sql`PREPARE prep(integer) AS SELECT $1`;

// This works
await sql`EXECUTE prep(0)`;

// This fails with PostgresError: could not determine data type of parameter $1
await sql`EXECUTE prep(${0})`;

// This also fails the same way
await sql`EXECUTE prep(${0}::integer)`;

@adamgreg This is not the same. You can't use protocol level parameters when calling prepared statements like that.

Even so.. Postgres.js automatically makes prepared statements for you, so the reason for doing what you're trying might be completely unnecessary or you'll need to provide more info.