The goal of this ticket is to convert our HEX color values to HSLA color values. This task is based on the concept from the "Simplified DX". Transitioning to HSLA values will make our color values more flexible and adjustable, which is particularly advantageous for stylesheet development and customization.
Conversion of color values must be accurate to avoid color discrepancies.
Exploring Simplification of Color Concept:
-- Test whether adopting HSLA values simplifies our color concept. Evaluate if using lightness or alpha channels . can establish a hierarchy in our color scheme, facilitating easier theme adjustments and maintenance.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] Ensure all existing HEX color values are converted correctly.
The goal of this ticket is to convert our HEX color values to HSLA color values. This task is based on the concept from the "Simplified DX". Transitioning to HSLA values will make our color values more flexible and adjustable, which is particularly advantageous for stylesheet development and customization.
Acceptance Criteria