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Update ORT Docker Image in CI/CD #3324

Open stephanschroeter opened 3 weeks ago

stephanschroeter commented 3 weeks ago


OSO department has updated their provided ORT Docker image, therefor we need to adjust our CI/CD integration.


  1. Pull the Productive Docker Image: The productive docker image is now available. Please update your workflows to pull this image from our production repository. Reference URI: https://skyway.porsche.com/confluence/display/OSO/Analyzer.ORT+Integration
  2. Send analyzer-result.yml to Productive Jenkins Instance: All analyzer-result.yml files should be directed to our productive Jenkins instance moving forward. Reference URI: https://porsche.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/sites/FOSSPorsche/Shared%20Documents/General/%23FOSS-Compliance/2.%20API%20for%20Automated%20Scanning?csf=1&web=1&e=f9rVxM

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