USDC : 3957.07 (44.57%)
SOL : 4920.43 (55.43%)
In the below section its mentioned 176.296 SOL ( 4920.43 USDC)
If we visit the market tab and market composition , the first thought comes 4920 SOL . If we can either change it to 176 SOL along with percentage or simply the distribution in %
This would not impact anything but everything should be near to perfect .
DASH#9837 USDC : 3957.07 (44.57%) SOL : 4920.43 (55.43%)
In the below section its mentioned 176.296 SOL ( 4920.43 USDC) If we visit the market tab and market composition , the first thought comes 4920 SOL . If we can either change it to 176 SOL along with percentage or simply the distribution in % This would not impact anything but everything should be near to perfect .