portagenetwork / roadmap

Developed by the the Alliance in collaboration with University of Alberta, DMP Assistant a data management planning tool, forking the DMP Roadmap codebase
MIT License
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Additional broken links to Portage Network pages #385

Open aaronskiba opened 1 year ago

aaronskiba commented 1 year ago

Like issue https://github.com/portagenetwork/roadmap/issues/339, there are several broken links to old Portage Network pages that we should remove as part of rebranding.

All of the following listed links are currently redirecting to https://alliancecan.ca/en/services/research-data-management:

contact us (French) https://portagenetwork.ca/fr/contactez-nous/ contact us (English) https://portagenetwork.ca/contact-us/

how to manage your data (French) https://portagenetwork.ca/fr/outils-et-ressources/assistant-pgd/comment-gerer-vos-donnees/ how to manage your data (English) https://portagenetwork.ca/tools-and-resources/dmp-assistant/how-to-manage-your-data/

terms of use (French) https://portagenetwork.ca/fr/outils-et-ressources/assistant-pgd/conditions-dutilisation-de-lassistant-pgd/ (Also described in issue https://github.com/portagenetwork/roadmap/issues/357)

200455939-yashu commented 1 year ago

@isawil Please provide the links for Contact us and how to manage your data

lagoan commented 11 months ago

@isawil to look for links in French from the Alliance.

aaronskiba commented 11 months ago

Note: When issue https://github.com/portagenetwork/roadmap/issues/388 is completed, both English & French translation of terms-of-use will be accessible from https://assistant.portagenetwork.ca/terms

lagoan commented 10 months ago

@isawil could you please take a look at missing web pages?