When trying to open the standart bmp files that come with the SDcard content, one gives "Not a valid spash" as expected, but the other 2 cause a M0 Guru Meditation / Hint: Hard Fault.
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Go to filemanager
Check into the SSTV Folder
Try to open the bmp files that come with the sdcard content
Expected behavior
Either a picture or the message that its not a valid splash.
Affected versions
probably since the splash selector feature was added
I dont expect the filemanager to open those files, as the feature was added for spashscreens, wich come with specifications. Just letting you know, that there is an error to catch and show the "not valid" msg instead.
When trying to open the standart bmp files that come with the SDcard content, one gives "Not a valid spash" as expected, but the other 2 cause a M0 Guru Meditation / Hint: Hard Fault.
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Expected behavior Either a picture or the message that its not a valid splash.
Affected versions probably since the splash selector feature was added
Additional I dont expect the filemanager to open those files, as the feature was added for spashscreens, wich come with specifications. Just letting you know, that there is an error to catch and show the "not valid" msg instead.
Btw..what is the Guru? Memory allocator?