portapack-mayhem / mayhem-firmware

Custom firmware for the HackRF+PortaPack H1/H2
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Hackrf Broken DFU, black screen and all leds on #2046

Closed Davim09 closed 2 months ago

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

Hello My hackrf bronken out of the blue, Before it was recognizing normally, now it stopped working, my pc don't recognize the dfu mode And Hackrf mode On windows and linux, my hackrf is h2 from opensourcesdr lab.

The driver.exe on windows don't open but I tried to install de .inf file, but nothing appers in devices manager.

I tried to upload a new firmware using the flash utility, but it didn't work and I got a black screen, the old firmware is 2.0.0 i tried to upload an older firmware 1.8.0, and after all the "uptade" from flash utility he gives me a black screen with all leds on.

I tried to put it in DFU but no PC recognizes it I've already tried changing cables 3 times and change from pc, and its start not recognizing before the black screen, i think it is in hackrf the problem Imagem do WhatsApp de 2024-03-27 à(s) 01 08 13_8280cacb

What do I do?? Please help

zxkmm commented 5 months ago

Hello, would you mind follow this guide and if you stuck, lemme know which step you stuck on? https://github.com/portapack-mayhem/mayhem-firmware/wiki/Full-reset

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

Hello, would you mind follow this guide and if you stuck, lemme know which step you stuck on? https://github.com/portapack-mayhem/mayhem-firmware/wiki/Full-reset

Of couse i tried, the pc dont recognize the hackrf, i donr know if was the hardware or the firmware, i already change the pc

zxkmm commented 5 months ago

Thanks. However you need to provide more information. Are you sure you are on DFU mode? driver.exe won’t open and it says what? Have you tried Zadig?

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

Thanks. However you need to provide more information. Are you sure you are on DFU mode? driver.exe won’t open and it says what? Have you tried Zadig?

yes i tried zadig, it shows nothing about hackrf one or dfu device.

zxkmm commented 5 months ago

Try all the ENTER DFU MODE methods in this link and one of it maybe can bring you to DFU mode. https://github.com/portapack-mayhem/mayhem-firmware/wiki/Full-reset

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

Try all the ENTER DFU MODE methods in this link and one of it maybe can bring you to DFU mode. https://github.com/portapack-mayhem/mayhem-firmware/wiki/Full-reset

I didn't understand the last two options.

zxkmm commented 5 months ago

Maybe try Google translate

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

Maybe try Google translate

I am using right now, but how can it works if I put the cable after pressing the dfu button??

zxkmm commented 5 months ago

I’m sorry I don’t understand your question. Just follow the guide, try the methods one by one.

zxkmm commented 5 months ago

And if you are having troubles reading the enter DFU methods, use google translate or ChatGPT to translate it.

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

And if you are having troubles reading the enter DFU methods, use google translate or ChatGPT to translate it.

ok, i will try it

htotoo commented 5 months ago

Maybe try Google translate

I am using right now, but how can it works if I put the cable after pressing the dfu button??

You HOLD the button while plug in the USB

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

yes i do this, i dont understant these what is knob? Screenshot_265

zxkmm commented 5 months ago

Knob: encoder, dial

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

Knob: encoder, dial

oh ok, thanks

zxkmm commented 5 months ago

You are welcome

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

You are welcome

I've already connected my hackrf a few times to charge on my xioami source, could that be why the data transmission part of the hackrf's USB has burned out?? IMG_20240327_095209 IMG_20240326_153731 ![Uploading IMG_20240326_153223.jpg…]()

zxkmm commented 5 months ago

It should output 5V1A before it successfully handshake, so it should be safe. I didn't see anything burned out in your image tho.

htotoo commented 5 months ago

Can you try with another computer? And turn on sound, and check it there is any "new device connected" sound or not.

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

Can you try with another computer? And turn on sound, and check it there is any "new device connected" sound or not.

I already tried 3 computers and nothing.

gullradriel commented 5 months ago

Any news ? Got it working ?

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

Any news ? Got it working ?

Nothing yet, try cleaning and nothing, I don't know if it's a problem with the hardware or the firmware, to recover the firmware I need to go into DFU mode and the computer recognizes it, but it goes into DFU mode But it doesn't recognize the USB, I did a continuity test with a multimeter and everything is fine going from the USB input to the NXP chip

gullradriel commented 5 months ago

Are you using windows ? Can you try on a linux ?

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

Are you using windows ? Can you try on a linux ?

Yes, I tested it on 4 computers with Windows and 2 with Linux and nothing, nothing appears in the Linux lsusb and nothing in the dmsg

gullradriel commented 5 months ago

Then it's your device/cables ?

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

Então é o seu dispositivo/cabos?

No, it's a hackrf, I already changed the computer and the cables a lot of times, I don't know if it's a hardware problem or a firmware problem, before the black screen and all the LEDs were on, the hackrf was booting normally but it wasn't recognizing it via the USB, I went try uploading firmware via flash utility and BOOM! It would no longer boot and all the LEDs were on, and as it no longer recognized the USB there is no way for me to recover the firmware, is there any way for me to upload the firmware directly onto its chip?? I have a friend who understands this about firmware dumps

ToxxikHalo commented 5 months ago

What exactly were you doing w your hackrf when this happened???

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

O que exatamente você estava fazendo com seu hackrf quando isso aconteceu???

Trying to update the firmware using the flash utility, I had already done it once

ToxxikHalo commented 5 months ago

Ok just making sure that was all... How about taking the portapack off of the Hackrf and try connecting the Hackrf to a PC then... no portapack.

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

Ok just making sure that was all... How about taking the portapack off of the Hackrf and try connecting the Hackrf to a PC then... no portapack.

I already did that and nothing, I cleaned contacts and nothing.

ToxxikHalo commented 5 months ago

Oh ok, I didn't know if you actually split them apart... I read about something similar months ago... I'll try to find it... Man, at this point other than physical testing of components it might be a lost cause unfortunately...
Coulda been as simple as a static discharge or something like that...

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

Ah, ok, eu não sabia se você realmente os separou... Eu li sobre algo parecido meses atrás... Vou tentar encontrar... Cara, neste ponto, além do teste físico de componentes, pode ser uma causa perdida, infelizmente... Poderia ter sido tão simples quanto uma descarga estática ou algo parecido...

It was out of nowhere that it stopped recognizing the USB, I don't know what could have happened, it always stays in a metal case from opensourcesdrlab

ToxxikHalo commented 5 months ago

It was plugged in and sitting still or plugged in in your hand or being plugged in????

ToxxikHalo commented 5 months ago

Do you know how to use a multimeter???

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

Ele estava conectado e parado ou conectado na sua mão ou sendo conectado ????

I didn't understand, but I left it connected to charge, yes I know how to use a multimeter, I already did a continuity test and everything was fine, from the USB port to the NXP chip

ToxxikHalo commented 5 months ago

Sorry, I'm asking if it was in your hand moving or was it sitting still when it went black??? I'm trying to just figure out if it's a physical problem or something wrong with the software side of things...

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

Desculpe, estou perguntando se ele estava em sua mão se movendo ou estava parado quando escureceu??? Estou tentando descobrir se é um problema físico ou algo errado com o lado do software ...

From what I remember, I opened the .bin in the flash utility and left it on the table, the HackRF turned off and turned on again, but the screen was black and all the LEDs were on.

ToxxikHalo commented 5 months ago

Ok... maybe get the schematic for HRf and do a more thorough test w multimeter...??? I know that's not an easy task but you've tried almost everything else...

ToxxikHalo commented 5 months ago

Oh ok gotcha...
Yea ok to me that sounds more like an internal issue then...

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

Ok... talvez pegue o esquema do HRf e faça um teste mais completo com o multímetro...??? Eu sei que não é uma tarefa fácil, mas você já tentou quase todo o resto...

My friend who works with communication radios and does maintenance did this and everything worked fine.


ToxxikHalo commented 5 months ago

Ok gotcha... yea based on how it happened I'm thinking somehow the flash went wrong or something wierd...

How about your SD card... have you tried a different card?

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

Ok, entendi... sim, com base em como aconteceu, estou pensando que de alguma forma o flash deu errado ou algo estranho...

E quanto ao seu cartão SD... você tentou um cartão diferente?

It's not the same since I bought HACKRF, and the flash utility worked before

ToxxikHalo commented 5 months ago

Yea I was thinking maybe change it again but it can't be that anyway cause you tried the HRF separately already....

ToxxikHalo commented 5 months ago

I'm trying to associate how a portapack fw update could damage the hackrf itself and bad enough that it can't even directly connect to a PC as designed....
I'm gonnatake a little while and read up on the HRf build and it's program pathways as best I can. I'll let you know if I find anything that might help...🤷

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

Ok gotcha... yea based on how it happened I'm thinking somehow the flash went wrong or something wierd...

How about your SD card... have you tried a different card?

I also don't know what could have happened, do you know if there is any way for me to reprogram the firmware directly on the HackRF chip?

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

Estou tentando associar como uma atualização do portapack fw pode danificar o próprio hackrf e é ruim o suficiente para que ele não consiga se conectar diretamente a um PC conforme projetado .... Vou demorar um pouco e ler sobre a compilação do HRf e são os caminhos do programa da melhor maneira que posso. Avisarei se encontrar algo que possa ajudar...🤷

Ok thanks!

ToxxikHalo commented 5 months ago

Just to clarify... so you plug it in and the LEDs turn on and screen stays black??? And that's it? Nothing at all happens that you notice?

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

Só para esclarecer... então você conecta e os LEDs acendem e a tela fica preta??? E é isso? Nada acontece que você perceba?

Yes, Look at the video


ToxxikHalo commented 5 months ago

Ok gotcha... I'm reading over the HRf docs now so hopefully there's something in there to help... I'll let u know. If you have time you might wanna give them a look also... not the mayhem docs, the HRf docs I mean...

Davim09 commented 5 months ago

Ok, entendi... Estou lendo os documentos do HRf agora, então espero que haja algo lá para ajudar... Avisarei você. Se você tiver tempo, talvez queira dar uma olhada neles também... não nos documentos do caos, quero dizer, nos documentos do HRf...

Thanks! Yes, I'll look, but apparently I'm the only person in the world who has this type of problem.