portefaix / portefaix-infrastructure

Portefaix Infrastructure on Cloud Providers
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Action Required: Fix Renovate Configuration #844

Closed renovate[bot] closed 11 months ago

renovate[bot] commented 11 months ago

There is an error with this repository's Renovate configuration that needs to be fixed. As a precaution, Renovate will stop PRs until it is resolved.

Location: .github/renovate.json5 Error type: The renovate configuration file contains some invalid settings Message: packageRules: You have included an unsupported manager in a package rule. Your list: ansible,galaxy. Supported managers are: (ansible, ansible-galaxy, argocd, asdf, azure-pipelines, batect, batect-wrapper, bazel, bazel-module, bazelisk, bicep, bitbucket-pipelines, buildkite, bun, bundler, cake, cargo, cdnurl, circleci, cloudbuild, cocoapods, composer, conan, cpanfile, deps-edn, docker-compose, dockerfile, droneci, fleet, flux, fvm, git-submodules, github-actions, gitlabci, gitlabci-include, gomod, gradle, gradle-wrapper, helm-requirements, helm-values, helmfile, helmsman, helmv3, hermit, homebrew, html, jenkins, jsonnet-bundler, kotlin-script, kubernetes, kustomize, leiningen, maven, maven-wrapper, meteor, mint, mix, nix, nodenv, npm, nuget, nvm, osgi, pep621, pip-compile, pip_requirements, pip_setup, pipenv, poetry, pre-commit, pub, puppet, pyenv, ruby-version, sbt, setup-cfg, swift, tekton, terraform, terraform-version, terragrunt, terragrunt-version, tflint-plugin, travis, velaci, woodpecker, regex)., packageRules: You have included an unsupported manager in a package rule. Your list: ansible,galaxy. Supported managers are: (ansible, ansible-galaxy, argocd, asdf, azure-pipelines, batect, batect-wrapper, bazel, bazel-module, bazelisk, bicep, bitbucket-pipelines, buildkite, bun, bundler, cake, cargo, cdnurl, circleci, cloudbuild, cocoapods, composer, conan, cpanfile, deps-edn, docker-compose, dockerfile, droneci, fleet, flux, fvm, git-submodules, github-actions, gitlabci, gitlabci-include, gomod, gradle, gradle-wrapper, helm-requirements, helm-values, helmfile, helmsman, helmv3, hermit, homebrew, html, jenkins, jsonnet-bundler, kotlin-script, kubernetes, kustomize, leiningen, maven, maven-wrapper, meteor, mint, mix, nix, nodenv, npm, nuget, nvm, osgi, pep621, pip-compile, pip_requirements, pip_setup, pipenv, poetry, pre-commit, pub, puppet, pyenv, ruby-version, sbt, setup-cfg, swift, tekton, terraform, terraform-version, terragrunt, terragrunt-version, tflint-plugin, travis, velaci, woodpecker, regex)., packageRules: You have included an unsupported manager in a package rule. Your list: ansible,galaxy. Supported managers are: (ansible, ansible-galaxy, argocd, asdf, azure-pipelines, batect, batect-wrapper, bazel, bazel-module, bazelisk, bicep, bitbucket-pipelines, buildkite, bun, bundler, cake, cargo, cdnurl, circleci, cloudbuild, cocoapods, composer, conan, cpanfile, deps-edn, docker-compose, dockerfile, droneci, fleet, flux, fvm, git-submodules, github-actions, gitlabci, gitlabci-include, gomod, gradle, gradle-wrapper, helm-requirements, helm-values, helmfile, helmsman, helmv3, hermit, homebrew, html, jenkins, jsonnet-bundler, kotlin-script, kubernetes, kustomize, leiningen, maven, maven-wrapper, meteor, mint, mix, nix, nodenv, npm, nuget, nvm, osgi, pep621, pip-compile, pip_requirements, pip_setup, pipenv, poetry, pre-commit, pub, puppet, pyenv, ruby-version, sbt, setup-cfg, swift, tekton, terraform, terraform-version, terragrunt, terragrunt-version, tflint-plugin, travis, velaci, woodpecker, regex).

github-actions[bot] commented 11 months ago

Added default label needs/kind. Please consider re-labeling this issue appropriately.