porthorian / overengineered-eats

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Proposal Governance #4

Closed ddymko closed 1 year ago

ddymko commented 1 year ago

We need a Governance board to make sure this is a community driven org

Open Source Software Project Governance Document

  1. Introduction

    Project Name: [Project Name] Mission: Briefly describe the purpose and goals of the open-source project. License: Specify the open-source license under which the project is released (e.g., MIT, Apache 2.0).

  2. Project Governance Structure

    Maintainers: List the project maintainers, their roles, and responsibilities. Contributors: Define the process for becoming a contributor and participating in the project. Community: Highlight the importance of an open and inclusive community for the project's success.

  3. Decision-Making Process

    Quorum Definition: Define the minimum number of maintainers required to reach a decision (quorum). For example, quorum might be defined as 2 out of 3 maintainers. Decision Types: Differentiate between day-to-day technical decisions and major project direction decisions. Consensus Model: Describe the process for reaching consensus among maintainers for major decisions. This might include discussions, voting, and reaching a decision within the quorum.

  4. Contribution Guidelines

    Code of Conduct: Reference or include a link to the project's code of conduct that outlines expected behavior for all community members. Contributing: Provide a guide for new contributors on how to submit code, report issues, and engage in discussions.

  5. Code Review Process

    Pull Requests: Detail the process for submitting and reviewing pull requests. Reviewers: Specify who can review and approve pull requests. Criteria: Define the criteria for code quality, testing, documentation, and adherence to coding standards.

  6. Release Management

    Versioning: Explain how the project handles versioning and release numbering. Release Process: Outline the steps to prepare and publish releases. Changelog: Describe how release notes and changelogs are maintained.

  7. Issue Tracking and Bug Reporting

    Issue Tracker: Specify the platform used for issue tracking (e.g., GitHub Issues) and guidelines for submitting bug reports or feature requests. Triaging: Detail how issues are categorized, prioritized, and assigned.

  8. Roadmap and Project Direction

    Project Vision: Describe the overall vision and goals for the project's future. Roadmap: Outline planned features, enhancements, and milestones. Feedback: Explain how community feedback is considered when shaping the project's direction.

  9. Community Engagement

    Communication Channels: List official communication channels, such as mailing lists, forums, chat rooms, and social media. Events: Highlight any community events, meetings, or conferences related to the project.

  10. Governance Review and Updates

    Review Periodicity: Specify how often the governance document will be reviewed and updated. Community Input: Encourage the community to provide input and feedback on governance improvements.

  11. License and Copyright

    License Notice: Include the full text of the chosen open-source license. Copyright Notice: Specify the project's copyright holders and contributors.

  12. Acknowledgments

    Recognize individuals or organizations that have significantly contributed to the project.

Appendix: Code of Conduct

Attach the project's code of conduct outlining expected behavior and guidelines for interactions within the community.
aanthonyrizzo commented 1 year ago

I have to agree with you here @ddymko. Its very important that ensure that proper controls and standard practices are established and then enforced.

porthorian commented 1 year ago

Added in dc915e8