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Question: Adopt a Code of Conduct #4

Closed callahad closed 8 years ago

callahad commented 8 years ago

This may be premature, but would anyone object to adopting the http://contributor-covenant.org/ or similar?

We don't need a CoC while we're just an in-group of half a dozen people, but if we're going to survive, we'll need to grow our contributor base, and I'm pretty fond of explicitly encouraging people to avoid being assholes to each other. :)

djc commented 8 years ago


jleclanche commented 8 years ago

Why do we need a code of conduct? I've led far larger projects without anyone being jerks to each other. imho adopting a CoC just implies we're less friendly than we actually are...

djc commented 8 years ago

@jleclanche no no no! Having a CoC is all about making explicit how friendly we are. Just advertise that we have this baseline of being nice to all sorts of people, and clarify that we don't tolerate crappy behavior.

jleclanche commented 8 years ago

... was that ever in question?

djc commented 8 years ago

No, but some new person looking to participate won't know, and many might look for a statement to such effect.

jleclanche commented 8 years ago

I'm -1 on accepting anyone in the project who needs a code of conduct to tell them how to behave tbh.

callahad commented 8 years ago

For me, it's more about publicly setting expectations. I'm pretty fond of the suggestions in Karl Fogel's book Producing Open Source Software, especially the chapter on Setting the Tone where he notes:

"Keeping forums friendly is a long-term survival strategy, and it's easier to do when the project is still small. Once it's part of the culture, you won't have to be the only person promoting it. It will be maintained by everyone."

Maybe we could agree to start with something less formal? Maybe just an addendum to the README along the lines of "This project welcomes any and all contributors, and we expect people to treat each other respectfully within the project."

jleclanche commented 8 years ago

I'm cool with that yeah.