What this PR does / why we need it: This PR Adds support to have excludelist for azureProxy and includeList for no proxy, thus giving the flexibility to apply proxy config for individual services
Introduced helm param
proxy. excludeAzureProxyList: [] - This is a list type where user can provide the service names (of deploy/sts/jobs) to avoid adding azure proxy annoation
This can be do with values.yaml providing the list of service names as an array or using the set command , eg
--set "proxy.excludeAzureProxyList[0]=px-backup"
proxy.includeNoProxyList: [] - This is a list type where user can provide the service names (of deploy/sts/jobs) to add no_proxy env setting
This can be do with values.yaml providing the list of service names as an array or using the set command , eg
What this PR does / why we need it: This PR Adds support to have excludelist for azureProxy and includeList for no proxy, thus giving the flexibility to apply proxy config for individual services
Introduced helm param
proxy. excludeAzureProxyList: [] - This is a list type where user can provide the service names (of deploy/sts/jobs) to avoid adding azure proxy annoation This can be do with values.yaml providing the list of service names as an array or using the set command , eg --set "proxy.excludeAzureProxyList[0]=px-backup"
proxy.includeNoProxyList: [] - This is a list type where user can provide the service names (of deploy/sts/jobs) to add no_proxy env setting This can be do with values.yaml providing the list of service names as an array or using the set command , eg
--set "proxy.includeNoProxyList[0]=px-backup"
Which issue(s) this PR fixes (optional) Closes # https://purestorage.atlassian.net/browse/PB-8576
Special notes for your reviewer: Testing
Without and with excludeAzureProxyList
Without and with includeNoProxyList
Successfully added with no_proxy settings in px-backup deploy
Verified there is no azure proxy annotation
Used helm command : helm install px-central charts/px-central --namespace central --create-namespace --version 2.8.0 --set persistentStorage.enabled=true,persistentStorage.storageClassName="px-db",pxbackup.enabled=true,proxy.httpProxy.noProxy="\,localhost","proxy.includeNoProxyList[0]=px-backup",proxy.azureProxyEnabled=true,"proxy.excludeAzureProxyList[0]=px-backup"