Closed jjfarrell closed 5 years ago
For the map interpolation, It looks like the function below expects the chr position to be either int,int or float,float. But for hg38, the chr would be a string.
double MapInterpolater::interp(int chr, int bp) const {
if (chrBpToRateGen.empty()) return 0;
map < pair <int, int>, pair <double, double> >::const_iterator ubIter =
chrBpToRateGen.upper_bound(make_pair(chr, bp)); // map record > (chr, bp)
if (ubIter == chrBpToRateGen.end()) {
cerr << "ERROR: Chromosome " << chr << " is not in genetic map" << endl;
int ubChr = ubIter->first.first;
int ubBp = ubIter->first.second;
double ubRate = ubIter->second.first;
double ubGen = ubIter->second.second;
if (chr == ubChr) return 0.01 * (ubGen + 1e-6 * ubRate * (bp-ubBp)); // interpolate interval
else return 0.01 * (--ubIter)->second.second; // end of previous chromosome
Could you check the last variant in your vcf file, e.g., with the following command?
bcftools view -G ukbb.hg38/chr22.hg38.sorted.vcf.bgz | tail -1
It appears to have a position before the first variant, which is invalid.
The last variant is chr22_KI270928v1_alt 60395 rs116271561 C T . . PR
Sounds like your file includes a contig chr22_KI270928v1_alt. Could you try eliminating all variants on this contig (restricting to variants on the contig 'chr22') and rerunning?
Thanks! The vcf was filtered to only include chr22. The new run did not trigger that error and is now running step 3. Looks like this will let me workaround the issue.
The problematic vcf is a liftover of chr22 from 37 to 38 and then sorted. As a result of the liftover, it includes variants that were remapped to other contigs found in hg38 (eg. chr22_KI270928v1_alt) .
Glad you solved the problem.
I will plan to add an error-check for unusual contigs in the next release.
I am trying to run the eagle 2.4 software with an hg38 aligned vcf. I am getting the error:
ERROR: Physical and genetic distance ranges must be positive (see below).
I noticed that the genetic_map_hg38_withX.txt.gz uses contig names as 1-23 instead of chr1-chr22,chrX. which is what is found in the hg38 vcf. Could that be the underlying issue?
I tried changing the genetic map to include chr but that generates the following error: ERROR: Chromosome 22 is not in genetic map
Any suggestions on this?
Here are the command lines and output....
Using original genetics map.
Using genetics map with chr1-chr22,chrX for contig names.....