posativ / acrylamid

(unmaintained) static blog generator in python with incremental rendering ⛺
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Not documented: "multiple static directories has been deprecated" #150

Open maphew opened 11 years ago

maphew commented 11 years ago

compile and autocompile issue the following warning, but docs/assets.rst still shows a multiple example.

acrylamid compile
       warn  multiple static directories has been deprecated, Acrylamid continues with 'assets/'.


To include assets, just add a bunch of directories to your :doc:`conf.py`:

.. code-block:: python

    STATIC = ['assets', 'static']
maphew commented 11 years ago

hmm, the warning is issued based on the mere presence of the STATIC = [...] directive in conf.py, e.g. this will trigger it (and the directory doesn't even have to exist):

STATIC = ['assets']
posativ commented 11 years ago

The documentation is only valid for stable releases. I'm currently working an the assets integration and you'll find a more up-to-date documentation here: feature/webassets/docs/assets.rst.

It just checks for a list of strings and triggers the warning.