posativ / acrylamid

(unmaintained) static blog generator in python with incremental rendering ⛺
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comparison clarification #178

Open schettino72 opened 10 years ago

schettino72 commented 10 years ago

The blog comparison came up on nikola discussion list: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/nikola-discuss/8cN7eOvFa98/GM7C5AYpZsIJ

First thanks for taking the time to build a comparison table :)

Could you elaborate on why Nikola got a "partial" rating for incremental builds?

It seems the footnotes 1, 2 are switched.

posativ commented 10 years ago


I've written the comparison table some time ago and never intended to publish it (not added to git, but could be found with the sphinx search). Now I finally removed the document, because I can no longer check if the comparison is still valid.

Could you elaborate on why Nikola got a "partial" rating for incremental builds?

Unfortunately not, I have seen some flaws in nikola's source code a year ago. Probably gone, don't know. I no longer have the time to check nikola's code. I'm sorry for the accusation.

schettino72 commented 10 years ago

thanks for the clarification.

Maybe it would make sense to put this in a wiki or somewhere the authors of each blog generator could help maintain it...

posativ commented 10 years ago

Here's the reST source, feel free to use and/or extend it.