poseidon-framework / poseidon2.package.manager

Internal data management helper for the MPI-SHH DAG
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ToDo from feedback by He and Thiseas #2

Open nevrome opened 4 years ago

nevrome commented 4 years ago



nevrome commented 4 years ago



AyGhal commented 4 years ago


TCLamnidis commented 4 years ago

Yes. There is no need to create an empty array before appending to it. See below:

$ echo ${test[@]}      # test is empty

$ test+=("banana")    # append "banana"
$ echo ${test[@]}
$ test+=("banana")    # append again
$ echo ${test[@]}
banana banana
$ test+=("banana")    # and again
$ echo ${test[@]}
banana banana banana
$ unset test          # unset to make empty again
$ test+=("banana")    # append again
$ echo ${test[@]}

The current code isn't buggy or anything, so maybe this is just aesthetics/me being stuck in my ways, but the the syntax highlighting on my text editor did get tripped up by it.

TCLamnidis commented 4 years ago

@esalmela could you comment on the --keep-allele-order? I cannot remember the outcome of our discussions on the plink merging and converting to Eigenstrat.