I'm adding all the python content we test with rsconnect-python to our BATS tests with the publisher and hitting an error when deploying Flasgger. The same app can be deployed successfully with rsconnect-python.
Closing as user error! I had forgotten to restart Connect in my script after setting the Server.Address so it was trying to hit connect_ip instead the actual IP Address.
I'm adding all the python content we test with rsconnect-python to our BATS tests with the publisher and hitting an error when deploying Flasgger. The same app can be deployed successfully with rsconnect-python.
Flasgger App: https://github.com/rstudio/connect/tree/main/test/rsconnect-python/bundles/python-flasgger
Verbose Logs:
The deployment works as expected with rsconnect-python: