Hi, thanks for bringing shiny to python. Not sure if this is something you can help with:
Environment Information
leafmap version:0.35.2
Python version: 3.10.4
Operating System: MacOS monterey
Describe what you were trying to get done.
Am trying to render leafmap (which uses ipyleaflet) within shiny app (python) using the chloropleth example here:
example. Am using leafmap because of its added functionality and ease of use. Chloropleth Map display as expected. Only issue is the legend doesnt display. it just show. up as a tiny white square. Raised the issue here: [https://github.com/opengeos/leafmap/issues/875#issue-2479023780]() but was directed here
What I Did
from ipyleaflet import *
from shiny.express import ui
from shinywidgets import render_widget
import leafmap
data = leafmap.examples.datasets.countries_geojson
ui.page_opts(title="Market Change Profile",
with ui.sidebar(open="open"):
ui.h4("Year Filter")
with ui.nav_panel("Map"):
with ui.card(full_screen=True):
ui.card_header(f"Test Map")
def map_ui():
m = leafmap.Map()
data, column="POP_EST", scheme="Quantiles", cmap="Blues", legend_title="Population"
return m
If there was a crash, please include the traceback here.
Hi, thanks for bringing shiny to python. Not sure if this is something you can help with:
Environment Information
Describe what you were trying to get done. Am trying to render leafmap (which uses ipyleaflet) within shiny app (python) using the chloropleth example here: example. Am using leafmap because of its added functionality and ease of use. Chloropleth Map display as expected. Only issue is the legend doesnt display. it just show. up as a tiny white square. Raised the issue here: [https://github.com/opengeos/leafmap/issues/875#issue-2479023780]() but was directed here
What I Did
If there was a crash, please include the traceback here.