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url_search parsing a shinylive app #28

Open thebioengineer opened 10 months ago

thebioengineer commented 10 months ago

I have an app from my screencast that I tried to turn into a shinylive app that takes advantage of session$clientData$url_search to pull in the query params from a user. Once I used shinylive to convert it, the queries passed to the URL did get passed onto the shinylive shiny session.

Not sure how large of use-case this is, but I would imagine some folks might want bookmarking to function so flagging for your attention.


ui <- fluidPage(

server <- function(input, output, session){

  ## Update timeVal every second with current time
  timeVal <- reactivePoll(1000, session,
                          checkFunc = function() {
                          # This function returns the content of log_file
                          valueFunc = function() {

  output$time <- renderText({
    format(timeVal(),"%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S")

  search <- reactive({

  output$search_values <- renderText({


shinyApp(ui, server)
scrapeable commented 10 months ago




thebioengineer commented 10 months ago

yes, for the specific problem posed. So it probably would have been better to have the example include that.

Admittedly, I got distracted while constructing the example and saw that session$clientData does have a fair amount of information that is lost on deployment via shinylive that folks might want.

scrapeable commented 10 months ago

@thebioengineer no worries was just mentioning in case that was the issue. I'm equally curious about parsing query parameters. Glad you asked the question.

schloerke commented 9 months ago

Oooooooo! I think I got this one haha.

The issue comes from the app being run in an iframe. The query string / hash are not being forwarded.

Smaller app that shows all information in the JS console:


ui <- fluidPage(verbatimTextOutput("search_values"))

server <- function(input, output, session) {

  output$search_values <- renderText({
    }), collapse = "\n")

shinyApp(ui, server)

While at url I had JS console messages:

preload echo:List of 10
shinylive.js:34937 preload echo: $ output_search_values_hidden: logi FALSE
shinylive.js:34937 preload echo: $ pixelratio                 : num 1.5
shinylive.js:34937 preload echo: $ url_protocol               : chr "http:"
shinylive.js:34937 preload echo: $ url_hostname               : chr ""
shinylive.js:34937 preload echo: $ url_port                   : chr "1234"
shinylive.js:34937 preload echo: $ url_pathname               : chr "/app_u02o4jrgxutrye5cu93x/"
shinylive.js:34937 preload echo: $ url_search                 : chr ""
shinylive.js:34937 preload echo: $ url_hash_initial           : chr ""
shinylive.js:34937 preload echo: $ url_hash                   : chr ""
shinylive.js:34937 preload echo: $ singletons                 : chr ""

If I updated the iframe's src attr to be /app_u02o4jrgxutrye5cu93x/?barret=1#asdf, I had the JS console message:

preload echo:List of 10
shinylive.js:34937 preload echo: $ output_search_values_hidden: logi FALSE
shinylive.js:34937 preload echo: $ pixelratio                 : num 1.5
shinylive.js:34937 preload echo: $ url_protocol               : chr "http:"
shinylive.js:34937 preload echo: $ url_hostname               : chr ""
shinylive.js:34937 preload echo: $ url_port                   : chr "1234"
shinylive.js:34937 preload echo: $ url_pathname               : chr "/app_u02o4jrgxutrye5cu93x/"
shinylive.js:34937 preload echo: $ url_search                 : chr "?barret=1"
shinylive.js:34937 preload echo: $ url_hash_initial           : chr "#asdf"
shinylive.js:34937 preload echo: $ url_hash                   : chr "#asdf"
shinylive.js:34937 preload echo: $ singletons                 : chr ""


Will make a PR in shinylive

thebioengineer commented 9 months ago

Amazing! Many thanks for looking into this.. hopefully it was an interesting one.

schloerke commented 9 months ago

George beat me by two weeks 🤣

We will wait on posit-dev/shinylive#79 .

seanbirchall commented 6 months ago

So I imagine I should be able to pass this by just running either of the below?

options(passUrlParams = TRUE) shiny::shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server, options = list(passUrlParams = TRUE))