posit-dev / r-shinylive

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Error 404 when using library(plumber) pr() %>% pr_static("/", "site/") %>% pr_run() #33

Closed DJ-Jam1 closed 9 months ago

DJ-Jam1 commented 9 months ago

Trying to get started with using R and was following the guide on https://posit-dev.github.io/r-shinylive/#installation/

Export of myApp appears successful in the site folder. I then ran the following command: library(plumber) pr() %>% pr_static("/", "site/") %>% pr_run()

The preview returns an Error 404 and fails to find the document. for context also ran this on the development brand and also released and on 2 different machines.

Any help is greatly appreciated

schloerke commented 9 months ago

Was able to reprex within the RStudio IDE. Got caught by the IDE wanting to open up the /__docs__/ route of root.

In #40 , I changed the instructions from the plumber steps above to httpuv::runStaticServer(EXPORT_DIR) (e.g. httpuv::runStaticServer("site/")).

I've tested the new commands in the IDE and the browser opened up as expected.


brownj31 commented 9 months ago

@schloerke I installed the latest versions of shinylive and httpuv from this GitHub repository, and I still get a 404 Not Found error when I run the app using httpuv::runStaticServer(). It runs for a good while before I get the error though. The plumber error happened immediately. The code I used is below. Are there any additional instructions?

shinylive::export('webr_example', 'example_app')