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Multiple Shiny apps on a signle Quarto web page #62

Closed ralmond closed 3 months ago

ralmond commented 4 months ago

Thanks for making this available. I have a number of teaching demos which do really light computation, so will work well in the browser, this will help me get around issues I'm having with websockets in my shiny server.

I've got a number of Rmd files which have effectively two shiny apps on them.

The outline of the file in question is:

title: "Normal Calculator"
output: html
  - shinylive

## Normal Probabilities

#| standalone: true
ui <- fluidPage(
# ...
server <- function (input, output) {
# ...

Normal Quantiles

#| standalone:true
ui1 <- fluidPage(
# ...
server1 <- function(input,output) {
# ...

If I delete either of the apps, it runs as expected.  However, with both it generates an error.

All of the input fields in `ui` and `ui1` have different names, so in theory, I could combine the servers.  However, it is really nice to be able to use markdown rather than R code to specify the HTML text that appears between the two apps.

Any suggestions on how I can get more than one shinyapp on the same page?
georgestagg commented 3 months ago


I tried building your NormalCalculator.qmd document on the latest release of Shinylive, and it seemed to work OK (see below). Can you try updating the shinylive package in R and building your Quarto document again?

If you still have issues can you let me know the details about the error message that you see, and let me know of any other errors shown in your browser's Developer Tools panel?


Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 08 52 20

schloerke commented 3 months ago

Closing as appears to be fixed