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Error: unable to load R code in package ‘R6’ / unexpected end of input #68

Closed maek-ies closed 4 months ago

maek-ies commented 4 months ago

The following error started to occur for me today when trying shinyapps at https://shinylive.io/r/examples/

I tried "empty cache and hard reload", manual clearing of the cache from browser settings, incognito mode and an alternative browser (Edge) but the error still occurs and shiny app never loads. Maybe related to the recent webR 0.3.1 version release?



gadenbuie commented 4 months ago

Hi @maek-ies, thanks for the report. We're working to fix a small issue with the package repository used by shinylive. It should be back in working order in an hour or so.

maek-ies commented 4 months ago

Dear Garrick, thank you for letting me know.

Good to hear that you are working on the issue. On my side, the error changed since the morning and is now similar to that experienced by @seanbirchall in #67. Except it now tries to mount Rccp twice.

`Unable to mount image, /usr/lib/R/library/Rcpp is already mounted.
code for methods in class “RawReader” was not checked for suspicious field assignments (recommended package ‘codetools’ not available?)
Error: there is no package called jsonlite
Error: there is no package called renv
Error: object app_gu3mrbi39akaclw36q3m not found
Error: there is no package called shiny`
gadenbuie commented 4 months ago

@maek-ies this should be all cleared up now. You may need to clear your browser cache for shinylive.io. (In Chrome, under View, click Clear cache and refresh.)

maek-ies commented 4 months ago

Dear @gadenbuie, many thanks for solving the issue so quickly. On my side, the issue with attempting to mount Rcpp again still persists, even after clearing the cache (I also cleared all cache manually in the browser). But I think it might be related to the caching at proxy level in my organization because on the personal computer the issue is fixed (and it was present when I checked yesterday).


maek-ies commented 4 months ago

The above issue went away once I clicked "disable cache" in developer view of Chrome. Now app loads correctly. Also even when disable cache is again unticked. Strange that clearing cache using "empty cache and hard reload" nor clear browsing data was not enough. Anyhow, thanks for all the help! You can close the issue now.


gadenbuie commented 4 months ago

Glad you figure it out! "Clear your cache and reload" is a very ambiguous phrase because it depends on your browser. Disabling the cache in the Network devtools pane and reloading is usually how I do that step. 😄