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Elisp high-priority #6

Open psionic-k opened 1 year ago

psionic-k commented 1 year ago

Partial list of items being considered to focus on elisp IDE for Emacs and elisp-centric out-of-box experience:

psionic-k commented 1 year ago

I'm more convinced by the lispy way at this point. Paredit just feels clunky. I still program half in file, half in repl, and I have paredit off when in repl because I don't get any extra indentation value out of it. Making syntactic structures part of the state of editing commands is definitely the right way.

Rainbown delimiters have not been super helpful except when hacking them to highlight certain structures. Probably a better job for tree sitter and variable vision modes depending on what we're doing. Otherwise, angry color spam is a real threat.

Shortdocs are good. Chat GPT (and of course successors that are quite inevitable and rapidly appearing) is filling a lot of gaps for finding type to type functions, or state to state like an ad-hoc Hoogle for Elisp.

Dashboard could use some org integration and project integration. Agenda isn't really my favorite org workflow, but I need to un-stall org-afterburner feature design to get to a better world.

The regular Emacs manual is a tremendous and horribly useless pain. Glossary is good. Elisp manual is ... kind of good, while retaining the mostly useless writing habits and lack of concrete Elisp expressions. Probably would be better if we just integrated it all with GPT summary and code snippet generation.

psionic-k commented 1 year ago

Well, for de-emphasizing non-elisp workflows... It's really about non-sustainable workflows. For example, customize is good, but as it's frequently non-distributable, it's not sustainable.

Possibly do some content on speed-running Emacs and then consider how to work that in as an org-based manual and scratch area.