positron96 / LocoNetControlStation

An ultimate model railroading control station based on ESP32, with LocoNet, WiFi, WiThrottle, DCC
MIT License
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Propagate turnout and throttle events to WiThrottle #13

Open positron96 opened 2 years ago

positron96 commented 2 years ago

JMRI reports changes to turnout statuses, power statuses and throttle events to WiThrottle.

Attaching Wireshark captures wireshark captures.zip

conaito commented 2 years ago

can you explain it bit more detailed?

positron96 commented 2 years ago

Hi. I've looked at what JMRI sends to WiThrottle and realized that it sends throttle data and turnout change data to mobile. So in future I need to implement it as well. Though I'm not sure when since it would require major change in the architecture of the whole firmware.