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Add switch command to switch to instructed package #39

Closed vkolgi closed 1 year ago

vkolgi commented 1 year ago

Added switch command to switch to the instructed package. The launch-able activity is the main activity from category launcher. Tested the command with camera and youtube application. In case of a wrong package name or activity of the package couldn't be started, the exception is handled and service continues as is. Demo: Screen Recording

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

LOGAF Level 3 - /home/runner/work/puppet/puppet/e2e_tests/utils.py

  1. The wait_for_element function could be improved by adding a custom exception message in the TimeoutException block. This will make debugging easier when an element is not found within the specified timeout.


except TimeoutException:
    raise TimeoutException(f'Element with selector {by_selector} and value {selector_value} not found within {timeout} seconds')
  1. The find_and_click function assumes that the element is always found. Consider adding a check to ensure that the element is not None before calling the click method. This will prevent AttributeError exceptions from being raised when the element is not found.


if element is not None:
    raise Exception(f'Element with selector {by_selector} and value {selector_value} not found')

LOGAF Level 2 - /home/runner/work/puppet/puppet/e2e_tests/test_sauce_labs.py

  1. Consider using a configuration file or environment variables for storing sensitive data such as SAUCE_USERNAME, SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY, TEST_UUID, BUILD_STAGE. This will make your code more secure and flexible.

  2. The create_android_driver function is quite long and does a lot of things. Consider breaking it down into smaller, more manageable functions. This will make your code more readable and maintainable.

  3. Avoid using magic strings such as "" and "https://ondemand.us-west-1.saucelabs.com:443/wd/hub". Consider defining them as constants at the top of your file or in a separate configuration file.

  4. The save_server_settings and enable_accessibility_settings functions have a lot of repeated code. Consider creating a helper function to reduce code duplication.


def find_element_and_send_keys(driver, by_selector, selector_value, keys):
    element = driver.find_element(by=by_selector, value=selector_value)
  1. The TestAppium class could benefit from a setup method to avoid repeating code in each test method. Consider using the setUp method provided by the unittest.TestCase class.


class TestAppium(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.driver = create_android_driver(sauce_labs=True)

    def tearDown(self):


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