posm / OpenMapKitAndroid

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Field Paper Atlas Integration #145

Closed hallahan closed 8 years ago

hallahan commented 8 years ago

Here we are!

When you check out a deployment

2016-04-23 02 25 10

and that deployment has a fp.geojson file, you can see the atlas pages

2016-04-23 02 24 12

The name of the page and atlas is on top. The green page is the one referred to on top.

When you tap outside of the atlas area, that top view goes away.

2016-04-23 02 24 24

And when you totally leave the area, you also don't see that top text view.

2016-04-23 02 24 34

Of course, if you have an MBTiles on, you can't do that, since you are constrained to the bounds of an MBTiles.

I also closed #119. Also, if the vectors are not getting rendered, we don't have the tag list view pop up (pretty confusing for end user).

Note, I still have this bug lingering: #144

Nonetheless, it's about time for a new release!

cc/ @dalekunce @mojodna @drisht @PaulUithol