pospiech / latex

LaTeX Packages and templates
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Changed settings for `captionStyleTemplateDefault` take no effect? #1

Open Niklas-Peter opened 7 years ago

Niklas-Peter commented 7 years ago

If I change the settings for captionStyleTemplateDefault in https://github.com/pospiech/latex/blob/master/latexthesistemplate/template/preamble/style-caption.tex#L3 I can not see any difference in the result.

For testing I downloaded your template again and only changed set skip = 3cm. Then I compiled the LaTeXTemplate.tex and on page 9 in the resulting PDF the spacing of the images' captions is still as before. However for subfigures it works if you edit the options in https://github.com/pospiech/latex/blob/master/latexthesistemplate/template/preamble/style-caption.tex#L89 and below.

pospiech commented 7 years ago

This is correct. Please take a look at the caption manual. In section 2.6 it says that the skip option is overwritten by many other packages. All of those are used in the template.

That means that I can only classify this as a know bug with no fix.


Niklas-Peter commented 7 years ago


Is there a quick hack for me to overwrite the setting, e.g. by inserting code directly before begin{document} or so? I tried setting abovecaptionskip without success.

pospiech commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I do not have enough knowledge about the internals of this. I recommend to create a short demo (without my template) and post this as a question on tex.stackexchange.com.