posquit0 / Awesome-CV

:page_facing_up: Awesome CV is LaTeX template for your outstanding job application
LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c
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[Formatting] Even Spacing Between Cventries #360

Closed grantwforsythe closed 3 years ago

grantwforsythe commented 3 years ago

I am trying to adjust the formatting of the document to give it more of a compact feel.


I was able to adjust the spacing between sections by referring to #79 and #277. (I currently have a spacing of -4.0mm between sections).

My code is left more or less unchanged,

  \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} L{\textwidth - 4.5cm} R{4.5cm}}
      {\entrypositionstyle{#1} & \entrydatestyle{#4} \\}
      {\entrytitlestyle{#2} & \entrylocationstyle{#3} \\
      \entrypositionstyle{#1} & \entrydatestyle{#4}}

Thinking this was a problem caused by the vspace command I changed the value to -4.0mm and this was the (undesired) result.

Screenshot_2021-04-14 Awesome CV (1)

The spacing between entries is now how I would like it; however, the spacing between sections varies and it has had some unintended consequences. (See below)
