possan / nbsp-vscode

Whitespace visualizer
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For long files please add red indicator to right vertical slider bar indicator zone #6

Open akissz opened 1 year ago

akissz commented 1 year ago

When editing very long files it would improve the functionality if the red marks display indicator also on the vertical slider bar on the far right side of the application. This way you can see where the red marks are more quickly. Otherwise you will need to scroll very slowly to look for red marks. I assume you understand what I mean, and if not, tell me and I will explain more.

robinmalik commented 1 year ago

Hi. I do wonder if this project has been discontinued given the last commit was 2017. If like me, you came across this extension via the following VSCode extension https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=viktorzetterstrom.non-breaking-space-highlighter then the actual project repo is a fork of this, over at: https://github.com/viktorzetterstrom/non-breaking-space-highlighter

Edit: Ah, but I see that project doesn't allow the raising of issues! :(