possan / webapi-player-example

An attempt at recreating the spotify player using only the Web API's
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Full tracks? #3

Open DanielLarsenNZ opened 10 years ago

DanielLarsenNZ commented 10 years ago

This is very cool. I understand that the Spotify Web Api only supports 30" previews currently - is full-track playing on the roadmap?

thelinmichael commented 9 years ago

@DanielLarsenNZ That's something we'd really like to support. Don't count on it in the short-term though.

AmirHossein484 commented 9 years ago

Hi, I want to build an app like Spotify Client using libspotifydotnet, Is it possible to play songs via my application without having spotify premium account? Every samples I have seen in github needs spotify premium, But playing songs with the official spotify client or web player doesn't need premium account, It works with free account as well as premium .. How can I build my personal player without needing an spotify premium account? Is there any way?

DanielLarsenNZ commented 9 years ago

This is not the right project for that question I think @AmirHossein484 - try https://developer.spotify.com/technologies/libspotify/ - however I would be surprised if libspotify would allow tracks to be played ad-hoc on a free account.

smartkid77 commented 9 years ago

Hi guys.. Nice app which I try to make one.. Is that playing a full track feature added into this files? or spotify API?

Thanks Dina

thelinmichael commented 9 years ago

Late response, but in case someone else is wondering, libspotify and the mobile SDKs do indeed require a premium account for playback.

@smartkid77: We don't currently have a web solution to playback of full tracks. You can however do this with or mobile SDKs. (iOS, Android)

ArchitectMag commented 5 years ago

Hi, i have premium account and creat a client id on dashboard. Change CLIENT_ID in Auth.js to my client id but still plays for 30 sec. How to fix it ?

drsounds commented 5 years ago

Spotify introduced a web player API so I am working on a fork of Thirtify which will have an updated GUI to reflect recent version of desktop client alongside with web playback and more things.