possee-org / genai-numpy

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Set Up GitHub Practice Environment #3

Closed ogidig5 closed 2 months ago

ogidig5 commented 2 months ago

Description: As part of improving my GitHub skills and gaining practical experience in repository management and collaboration, I would love to set up a practice environment by creating a new personal GitHub account, in addition to my original account.


  1. Make a new account on GitHub just for practice. This way, I won't mess up existing repositories, like NumPy.
  2. Create some new projects on my newly created GitHub account where I can practice doing basic stuff like forking projects, staging commits, and initiating pull requests between the two accounts.
  3. Fork selected repositories from my primary GitHub account to the practice account to simulate contributor and maintainer interactions.
  4. Experiment with initiating pull requests to my primary GitHub account instead of the practice account to simulate a contributor's perspective.

What I Hope to Learn:

  1. Improved understanding of GitHub workflows, including forking, staging commits, and initiating pull requests.
  2. Enhanced proficiency in repository management and collaboration techniques.
  3. Confidence in interacting with GitHub repositories, simulating real-world scenarios without impacting actual projects such as NumPy.

This initiative will provide valuable hands-on experience and prepare me for contributing effectively to open-source projects

bmwoodruff commented 2 months ago

How did it go? I found the following resource very useful if you need a refresher or introduction to anything Git related.

bmwoodruff commented 2 months ago

When you feel like you're done, please fork the genai-numpy repo, modify the readme.md file (you can provide an intro, add some new lines, whatever), and then submit a pull request. I'll provide some comments so that you see how that end works, and we'll both get more comfortable with the PR process. You can include a note that your pull request closes this issue.

ogidig5 commented 2 months ago

@bmwoodruff I am really enjoying refreshing my GitHub skills with the link you just provided. So far, I feel I'm progressing very well. These skills will definitely help me in the long run. When I'm done with some of the basic stuff, I'll fork the genai-numpy repo, make the suggested modifications, then submit a PR. With your continued guidance and support, I am becoming more and more comfortable with this whole thing. Thanks a bunch!

ogidig5 commented 2 months ago

@bmwoodruff I have just forked the numpy-genai project repo and made updates to the README.md file. I then initiated a PR and a note indicating that this issue is closed. Kindly provide me with a comprehensive feedback on the same. Thank you Ben.

bmwoodruff commented 2 months ago

Hi George. I commented on your PR and left suggestions, so we can practice using the feedback section of PRs. Try implementing all 3 suggestions in a single commit (use the batch option). Then add your own suggestion after making that commit (you can find the suggestion features when you click on "files changed"). Also remember to add something like closes #3 in the comments so that GitHub knows to appropriate connect the two.