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Tracking Examples: linalg and ma #60

Closed bmwoodruff closed 3 days ago

bmwoodruff commented 2 weeks ago



Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
cholesky lstsq slogdet
cond matmul solve
cross matrix_norm svd
det matrix_power svdvals
diagonal matrix_rank tensordot
eig matrix_transpose tensorinv
eigh multi_dot tensorsolve
eigvals norm trace
eigvalsh outer vecdot
inv pinv vector_norm



Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5
allclose asanyarray compress_rows dot getmask
allequal asarray compressed ediff1d getmaskarray
alltrue average concatenate filled in1d
amax choose convolve fix_invalid inner
amin clump_masked correlate flatnotmasked_contiguous innerproduct
append clump_unmasked count_masked flatnotmasked_edges intersect1d
apply_along_axis common_fill_value cov flatten_mask isMA
apply_over_axes compress_cols default_fill_value flatten_structured_array isMaskedArray
argsort compress_nd diag fromflex is_mask
array compress_rowcols diff getdata is_masked
Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10
isarray masked_all masked_object ndim reshape
isin masked_all_like masked_outside notmasked_contiguous resize
left_shift masked_equal masked_values notmasked_edges right_shift
make_mask masked_greater masked_where outer round
make_mask_descr masked_greater_equal max outerproduct round_
make_mask_none masked_inside maximum_fill_value polyfit set_fill_value
mask_cols masked_invalid median power setdiff1d
mask_or masked_less min ptp setxor1d
mask_rowcols masked_less_equal minimum_fill_value put shape
mask_rows masked_not_equal ndenumerate putmask size
Group 11
otieno-juma commented 2 weeks ago

I will work on ma group 1

bmwoodruff commented 2 weeks ago

@otieno-juma No need to tag me on these, but you will want to specify if you're working on linalg group 1, or ma group 1.

jud-sdev commented 2 weeks ago

I'll work on np.linalg group 2

bmwoodruff commented 2 weeks ago

Note that the output of Llama3-70B is now stored in these log files .

jud-sdev commented 2 weeks ago

Here's what I got when I tried generating examples for lstsq function in group 2. image

bmwoodruff commented 2 weeks ago

It looks like you haven't cloned this repo yet to Nebari. You'll want to start with that.

jud-sdev commented 2 weeks ago

I've cloned the repo. I think the issue is related to the upgrade of Numpy. Have you tried generating an example today?

bmwoodruff commented 1 week ago

All the examples have been generated already by AI. The log files are in the possee-org/gen-ai repo.

The error message you see above has always shown when using Llama 3. You can ignore it, and things still work.

jud-sdev commented 1 week ago

Okay, I get it. Thank you so much, I truly appreciate it!

otieno-juma commented 5 days ago

I'm going to work on ma group 9

otieno-juma commented 5 days ago

I'm going to work on ma group 9

bmwoodruff commented 3 days ago

@otieno-juma For now, focus only on functions that have no examples in the code base. You can manually select these with the example_post_processing.py file, and then generate just those.

The Triage team does not want to review 1000 examples that are injected systematically throughout the entire codebase. So while we have a tool that can do that, it isn't wanted in that form.

bmwoodruff commented 3 days ago

After discussion at the triage meeting, adding examples to every function in NumPy is not wanted. Focus on just the functions that don't have examples. After we review the prompt generator, and guarantee that the newly generated examples do indeed add something of more than just marginal value, we can revisit this topic. I'm closing this issue for now.