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Tracking Examples: char and strings #61

Closed bmwoodruff closed 3 days ago

bmwoodruff commented 2 weeks ago

The char module is being replaced with the strings module. If one person wants to work on all functions in both modules, I think it could be useful to do the same function from each module, side by side. The tables were algorithmically generated, so they don't reflect this thought.

See https://numpy.org/devdocs/reference/routines.char.html for a note that the char module will no longer receive updates. Only focus on the strings module.



Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5
add equal islower lstrip rsplit
array expandtabs isnumeric mod rstrip
asarray find isspace multiply split
capitalize greater istitle not_equal splitlines
center greater_equal isupper partition startswith
compare_chararrays index join replace str_len
count isalnum less rfind strip
decode isalpha less_equal rindex swapcase
encode isdecimal ljust rjust title
endswith isdigit lower rpartition translate
Group 6



Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5
add greater istitle partition swapcase
capitalize greater_equal isupper replace title
center index less rfind translate
count isalnum less_equal rindex upper
decode isalpha ljust rjust zfill
encode isdecimal lower rpartition
endswith isdigit lstrip rstrip
equal islower mod startswith
expandtabs isnumeric multiply str_len
find isspace not_equal strip
bmwoodruff commented 3 days ago

After discussion at the triage meeting, adding examples to every function in NumPy is not wanted. Focus on just the functions that don't have examples. After we review the prompt generator, and guarantee that the newly generated examples do indeed add something of more than just marginal value, we can revisit this topic. I'm closing this issue for now.