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Tracking Examples: polynomial modules #62

Open bmwoodruff opened 2 weeks ago

bmwoodruff commented 2 weeks ago

The polynomial submodule have a lot of similarities. When working with the submodules make sure you compare with the same-ish function from the other submodules. They all have slightly different names, but work towards the same purpose. Doing the same-ish functions from submodules, side-by-side could be useful. The tables were algorithmic-ally generated, so they don't reflect this thought.



Group 1



Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
cheb2poly chebint chebtrim
chebadd chebinterpolate chebval
chebcompanion chebline chebval2d
chebder chebmul chebval3d
chebdiv chebmulx chebvander
chebfit chebpow chebvander2d
chebfromroots chebpts1 chebvander3d
chebgauss chebpts2 chebweight
chebgrid2d chebroots poly2cheb
chebgrid3d chebsub



Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
herm2poly hermint hermval3d
hermadd hermline hermvander
hermcompanion hermmul hermvander2d
hermder hermmulx hermvander3d
hermdiv hermpow hermweight
hermfit hermroots poly2herm
hermfromroots hermsub
hermgauss hermtrim
hermgrid2d hermval
hermgrid3d hermval2d



Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
herme2poly hermeint hermeval3d
hermeadd hermeline hermevander
hermecompanion hermemul hermevander2d
hermeder hermemulx hermevander3d
hermediv hermepow hermeweight
hermefit hermeroots poly2herme
hermefromroots hermesub
hermegauss hermetrim
hermegrid2d hermeval
hermegrid3d hermeval2d



Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
lag2poly lagint lagval3d
lagadd lagline lagvander
lagcompanion lagmul lagvander2d
lagder lagmulx lagvander3d
lagdiv lagpow lagweight
lagfit lagroots poly2lag
lagfromroots lagsub
laggauss lagtrim
laggrid2d lagval
laggrid3d lagval2d



Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
leg2poly legint legval3d
legadd legline legvander
legcompanion legmul legvander2d
legder legmulx legvander3d
legdiv legpow legweight
legfit legroots poly2leg
legfromroots legsub
leggauss legtrim
leggrid2d legval
leggrid3d legval2d



Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
polyadd polymul polyvander
polycompanion polymulx polyvander2d
polyder polypow polyvander3d
polydiv polyroots
polyfit polysub
polyfromroots polytrim
polygrid2d polyval
polygrid3d polyval2d
polyint polyval3d
polyline polyvalfromroots
andrewtggreene commented 1 week ago

I will work on the legendre group 1