Very High Temperature (Graphene microtubing, 1100K)
3. Develop specific specialized radiator systems that have specific pros and cons
Liquid Drop Radiators: radiators that work very well for low acceleration and lose cooling capacity with increasing acceration/rotation, best kW/ton [Lithium, 1500k]
Planar, perpendicular (switch length?)
Planar, parallel (switch width?)
Triangular, perpendicular (switch length?)
Triangular, parallel (switch start width?)
Curie Fountain Radiator: LDR with no acceleration downsides but not available in very large scales [iron, 1500K)
surface attached fountains in several linear sizes
Ribbon/Cable filament radators: inline multi-axis radiators that are compact but don't have the best perf [1300K]
Inline mounted in 2.5-5m sizes
Switchable lengths
Aerodynamic heat exchangers: Things that take air, exchange with the cooling system and cool. Need air intake. [800K]
Part improvements and expansion for HC/SystemHeat
1. Restructure how all static radiator parts are set up
2. Restructure basic deployable radiators similarly
3. Develop specific specialized radiator systems that have specific pros and cons