postaddictme / instagram-php-scraper

Get account information, photos, videos, stories and comments.
MIT License
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"Undefined property: stdClass::$authenticated" #1110

Open mfarazGenetech opened 1 year ago

mfarazGenetech commented 1 year ago

"Undefined property: stdClass::$authenticated"

whenever i try to login it is showing this error kindly help me with this Thanks,

shuang1990 commented 1 year ago

The instagram login password encryption has changed ,login() method doesn't work

$response = Request::post(Endpoints::LOGIN_URL, $headers, ['username' => $this->sessionUsername, 'enc_password' => '#PWD_INSTAGRAM_BROWSER:0:' . time() . ':' . $this->sessionPassword]);

New password enc_password: #PWD_INSTAGRAM_BROWSER:10:1675328909:AaZQAIGrWQRttByoEVDCGbYbECsWmUhjUue8aJbEab0He1kzkHIEvQGAdPm+0cU95NFdEZxidQT+Xj8KesBSF7cIhubUGi+ds4SqXM0dR8yqrogEkfZMvf0N8IG3yxXtXRfdOZhpU1qRgw==