postaddictme / instagram-php-scraper

Get account information, photos, videos, stories and comments.
MIT License
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Assuming you know this doesnt work anymore? #1126

Open DR-inc opened 11 months ago

DR-inc commented 11 months ago

Fatal error: Uncaught InstagramScraper\Exception\InstagramException: Response code is 401: Unauthorized.Something went wrong. Please report issue.

regardless of username/auth etc..

looks like meta had more session stuff in the mix that breaks this

skmachine commented 10 months ago

If you just need to retrieve IG profile info, and last 12 posts, check - it does not require your IG auth details and uses cloud proxies (requires subscription). This lib won't help if you need followers or emails.

fabrizio-palumbo commented 10 months ago

what about if I just want to get a post and its comments? nothing seems to work as of now