postaddictme / instagram-php-scraper

Get account information, photos, videos, stories and comments.
MIT License
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GetMedias isn't working properly #206

Closed ssthormess closed 6 years ago

ssthormess commented 6 years ago

Hello Everybody,

When I execute the following within my app:

try { $medias = $instagram->getMedias($target, 10); } catch (\Exception $ex) { error($ex); } print_r($medias);

I get the following response:

 InstagramScraper\Exception\InstagramException: Response code is 404. Body:  

[instagram 404-page]

 Something went wrong. Please report issue. in /srv/users/websites/apps/XXXXXXXXXX/vendor/raiym/instagram-php-scraper/src/InstagramScraper/Instagram.php:72
Stack trace:
#0 /srv/users/websites/apps/XXXXXXXXXX/public/pages/confirm.php(68): InstagramScraper\Instagram::getMedias('XXXXXXXXXX', 10)
#1 /srv/users/websites/apps/XXXXXXXXXX/public/index.php(25): include('/srv/users/webs...')
#2 {main}

Any suggestions? I believe I'm properly using the library but there is something wrong or new on Instagram's end.

bateller commented 6 years ago

You are correct. Its on Instagram's side. They changed the endpoint.

See #205