postaddictme / instagram-php-scraper

Get account information, photos, videos, stories and comments.
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getAccountById error #67

Closed pinotarantino closed 7 years ago

pinotarantino commented 7 years ago

Hello, if I use the following code (with that id, mine or others taken from 'owner id' values):

...$account = Instagram::getAccountById(193886659); echo $account->username; ... I get the following error: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'InstagramScraper\Exception\InstagramNotFoundException' with message 'User with this id not found' in C:\Users\Administrator\vendor\raiym\instagram-php-scraper\src\InstagramScraper\Instagram.php on line 46

Thanks a lot, very interesting project! P;)

raiym commented 7 years ago

Thank you. FYI it has been fixed.

alvinwiguna commented 7 years ago

it is still returning the same error after logging in on the latest version

elliott-beach commented 7 years ago

It raises an exception for me, but not the same one as when the issue was created:

Fatal error: Uncaught InstagramScraper\Exception\InstagramNotFoundException: User exists but library could not pull information about user in /Users/elliott/me/projects/instagram-php-scraper/src/InstagramScraper/Instagram.php:330
Stack trace:
#0 /Users/elliott/me/projects/instagram-php-scraper/index.php(14): InstagramScraper\Instagram->getAccountById(193886659)
#1 {main}
  thrown in /Users/elliott/me/projects/instagram-php-scraper/src/InstagramScraper/Instagram.php on line 330

This is caused by


being empty, so the problem is the data we are trying to scrape just isn't there.

Unless we come up with a different way of scraping the data, it looks impossible to resolve.