postaddictme / instagram-php-scraper

Get account information, photos, videos, stories and comments.
MIT License
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Getting Comments by Code is not working or has error #83

Closed ALEX8C closed 7 years ago

ALEX8C commented 7 years ago

$comments = Instagram::getMediaCommentsByCode('BR5Njq1gKmB',1000); is returning following error:

Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /vendor/raiym/instagram-php-scraper/src/InstagramScraper/Instagram.php on line 262

raiym commented 7 years ago

@ALEX8C since v0.5.* to get comments you must provide instagram credentials and now method is not static $instagram->getMediaCommentsByCode('BR5Njq1gKmB',1000);

raiym commented 7 years ago

I have added test case. You can check it on: 589f44732e38c36ae9a9564e9c58bbae3a5e0212